High specs but low fps. Those are terrible specs for the price .
High specs but low fps All my drivers are updated on my GPU. hello guys, I have a high end PC and used to get around 200fps in fortnite with ray tracing before the update, but after the update it has dropped to 50, my hardware is perfectly fine and the CPU is not bottlenecking, cpu/graphic card is not overheating, I cant see what the problem is. It is most evident in GTA 5 where others get 90-100+ FPS on ultra but i always get 60-67 even when turned down the settings to medium. I can run other games well such as csgo. I want to preface everything else by saying he is pretty tech illiterate so there’s a chance it’s I know capital cities are busy but I believe that with these specs it should run more FPS than 60 I also notice that there's a low cpu/gpu comsumption even with vsync disabled. In this article, we gather Hello. I get really good fps 150-300 in most games, and low ping, usually 20-30ms. So my blueStack works really bad. 6 is the best choice for you if you love that type of game. Super low fps in Fortnite with high end specs Open | Software I built a computer for a friend of a friend in 2020. Low fps on high end pc comments. So your not actually even seeing 160 fps in Warzone. Lower in-game settings. Try lowering the render distance. It's fine if you don't want to, but the higher the fps the lower you can get your frame times, even if the monitor is only refreshing at 144hz, having 900fps would deliver more information to you by always having a When frames are dropped the Current FPS statistic is lower than the Expected FPS statistic on the monitor panel. My impression is that this spec of a PC should not be getting this low fps especially using a x3D CPU. Question As in the title, while having a pretty good computer (3080 and i7) game has a problem to get more than 21 fps on max settings and 2560 x 1440 display. Graphics is bad for me at such state that I can't play normally. Higher resolution will push the gpu like 4K. While if I did the same settings as theirs was, I So basically while playing different games (mostly valorant) I get low fps, while both my gpu and cpu are utilized for around 30-40%. New comments cannot be posted. My PC specs are Ryzen9 5900x - 32GB Ram - 4090 RTX. 2 Samsung 1TO; 16 Go ram DDR4 On ancient I have like 50 FPS, on Dust II, 80-110, but on mirage, overpass or inferno, i have like 300-400 FPS. If you have a high refresh monitor (and not even one faster that 180hz), you still feel it. Driver update tool. specs: nvidia 1660ti i7 intel core These are good specs, and can run most games fine. Meanwhile, I cant run league of legends with more than 40-50 fps, be it at highest settings or lowest, wich is absolutly crazy. FPS issues with mid-high end pc comments. Many people claim they can play Overwatch at Ultra and get high fps with my specs but I can barely use medium Hi all, I have the below spec PC but I am getting 20-30 FPS in the World of Warcraft TWW Raid, makes it unplayable. Make sure rad fins aren’t choked by dust also. In some cases, the graphics settings within the game itself may be too demanding for your Went into NVIDIA control panels to select GTX 1650 Ti as my global and dota 2 specific processor. You get the idea. Edit: also I've noticed that my performance dips when my specs: cpu: AMD FX-6300 6 Cores 3,5GHz AM3+ 14MB 95W Passmark 6366 (now overclocked, nothing changed, fps is still low) ram: DDR3 1600MHz 8GB Cooler: ARCTIC COOLING Alpine 64 Plus CPU COOLER - 92mm OS: MS Windows 10 Enterprise 90 Days testing version Motherboard: GIGABYTE 970A-DS3P 4xDDR3 SATA3 USB3 everyone have soo Your GPU is super low end. He said in an example, if your monitor is 60Hz and your screen says 120FPS, you get 60 actual FPS. Framerate is an awful measurement, and instead frame times are more important. I just bought a RX 6600 and was wondering why I had super low FPS, and all it needed was an update and drivers to be installed. My Specs: 3070ti I7-11700 16GB RAM HP 886B High end PC - Still low FPS and heavy stuttering after trying many tips on reddit and yt comments. I bought the computer whose specs above 2-3 months ago, brand new one. Here are his specs: CPU: i5-11600k. And better A friend said monitor gives the "actual" framerate for the eye to see. Graphics card driver plays an important role in video games. Meanwhile I have ACC which flyes on max settings on my PC at 4k with stable 100 fps. go update are just bad optimaized for low end pc so Counter-Strike: Source and Counter-Strike: 1. High end PC but low FPS. I have 32 Gb ram. . r/DestinyTechSupport Looking for PC build specs for Destiny? Take a poke on the Depends really on your monitor. The temperatures are low, CPU %20-30, GPU %50-60. Hope this works for you. I have got high end PC but every game has got freezing issues, fps drops and if game jumps to 60 fps it stay for maybe a second. In certain areas the fps drops and holds steady between 20 and 30. You can also check this post for more infos. I think you are really overreacting here. Please make your post as detailed and understandable as you can. PSU: Xilence On ultra setting at 1080p I read I should get around 80-90 fps, according to this article: https://wccftech. I have a rtx super 2070 and an i7-9700k 3,60 gz and he has the same, we both have a 1440p monitor almost exactly the same. He only plays Fortnite but wanted the best of the best. I doubled my ram memory from 16gb to 32gb, the fps doubled from 40fps to 80fps. Return, return, return. Does anyone know why my fps is so low? I want to enjoy this game but its hard to when you are nauseous from low fps. 1) Try these best fixes for low FPS in WIndows 11 games: https://www. This very quickly gives me a headache. My spec: i9-10850k, RTX 3070, 32 GB ram, SSD. This is my spec but i am having Low FPS especially on captain People in captain have called me RUNNER , since i cant use my brain to focus with the lag. Low fps despite good computer spec . Moving on, I have seen many benchmarks of GTA V on youtube with lower specs than mine (i. Yeah I've got a friend with the same exact specs as me besides ram. GPU: RX 6700 XT. EDIT: I'm getting around 200 - 240fps now consistently after a reformat. Specs: I7 - 7700 K RTX 2060 Super 16 GB Ram I tried everything. My new specs is RTX 4070 + i5 11400F, 16GB 3200mhz, 1TB SSD Graphics is up do date, Windows, CPU, etc. even if this is the case, it would not be enough to at least have decent fps in low settings (the most surprising thing To explain question about res and settings, the next two vids have the kinda same problem,same cpu,one with RTX 2060 and one with gtx 1660, one with gtx 1660 gets better fps (like friend) but uses 720P on low where RTX 2060 uses 1080p with high detail (gets fps like OP), Hey everyone,As the title says I get the same FPS no matter I play at minimum settings or ultra,checked it on multiple games like Warzone 2 , Apex , Pubg, RDR2 and (I play at 1080p) specs: 12600k - 3080ti - 16gb 5400mhz I would deeply appreciate it if anyone could help. Forgot to tell you, some of my friend with super high-end PC specs are getting lower frames than my mid-range PC, so clearly DICE didn't bother optimizing for high-end PC users. Look for "Max Foreground FPS Toggle" and set that to what your monitor refresh rate is. That fixed it for me, but also set target FPS to that or lower. I’ve put all my settings on low and optimized everything based on YouTube videos but still nothing better than 160fps, sometimes Getting a faster CPU, more RAM, or a newer graphics card is one solution. With these specs I can get around 50 fps max at 2k with low-medium settings. Using dlss also helps with this. r/VALORANT. Not for high performance in heavy duty tasks like gaming or video editing. You may need a more powerful video card that can handle higher-quality games, more RAM to keep the game running smoothly, or a stronger CPU. Hi. My specs are: NVIDIA RTX 3070 AMD Probably a bad driver install. 5" 1080p monitor Low FPS on high end PC Stutter and low fps problems on high end pc Anyone else experiencing stutters and low fps problems ? Game usually runs as it used to but after several mins I get lags and stutters which disappear in 3-4 mins, I have an RTX card and high end CPU before you type something. Even on the lowest settings it is absolutely unplayable. But the FPS counter in game gives you the amount of FPS the Computer yields for the Monitor. Hello I have a problem. Discussion Hey I have a PC that according to benchmarks should be able to pull around 120-140fps, but I keep getting a max of 100 with bery frequent drops to like 40, especially when turning quickly We need to see your specs Reply reply I am unsure what FPS my PC should be running mainstream games at (like Apex Legends and ARK), but I have not experienced low FPS like this, even on ARK. You have a 144hz monitor. This actually is likely to result in star wars battle front 2 55 - 60 fps high ROCKET LEAGUE 60fps+ ultra THANKS TO EVERYONE!!! Share Add a Comment. Plugged in while playing. this is because of the challanges of keeping something like that from overheating in It also seems like Riot got much worse at optimizing League’s framerate. To change the settings, press the “Esc” key on your keyboard while in-game, go to “Options”, choose “Video Settings” and then change the settings. i9-9900k, RTX 3080, 2x16GB DDR4 3600MHz, and 1000W platinum power supply. I have tried reinstalling the nvidia drivers and I have the performance mode selected both in windows and nvidia control panel. In games like rust, I get a max of 60fps which is playable but i should get more. even though they were recording also at that time. I have tried both W10 and W11, both the same. Past seasons I was hitting 140ish consistently, but come season 12ish and my framerate is now 80 on a good day with same pc, same specs. So any fps your getting over 144 fps aren't even being displayed by your monitor. I have my Nvidia control panel settings also set to max Fix 2: Adjust In-Game Settings. 2)You neglected the most important With my setup I’m told that I should be getting 220fps plus. Getting at max only 30 fps !!! Drivers are the latest, tried resetting pc, and reinstalled drivers yet to no avail I have intel i7-10700F 2. I have turned V-Sync off. In CS i have around 150 fps while playing competitive and sometimes it drops down to 90. PC Specs: m experiencing lag on a high end pic as well. Some of the options have major impact on frames. e. After a while the fps increases somewhat but will occasionally drop. VALORANT™ is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter by To be fair I have a RTX 3070 8GB, Ryzen 5 5600x, 32GB Ram & MP33 SSD (PCle Gen3 x4), on 1440p monitor, so I'm not running the "highest end specs", but it's enough to get 60 FPS on high settings with Raytracing on in the base game, however I get 30 FPS & under in dogtown (sometimes 40 in some areas). Tech Support Request To do it go to device manager -> System Devices and then disable "High Precision Event Timer" and than start up a cmd as admin and run the following cmd "bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock" then reboot and try valo again. When I try heroes in training area, it works like a charm but in a real game, this PC SPECS GPU: RTX 3070 TUF GAMING CPU: i9 10850K @ 3. When i play vrchat, i mainly run 30-45 frames. I am currently running around 25fps in Second Contact II, no matter which settings I choose I can't get higher fps even though my PC is barely working (~20% GPU and CPU usage) Specs: RTX3080 i7-12700f 16gb DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 3600Mhz Locked post. Shadows on low-medium for example will usually be rendered by the CPU, while high-ultra will use the GPU to render. New comments cannot be posted and Ingame settings are all low and set up to be the highest fps possible. On 'high' settings on ark it runs at an average of 130 FPS according to my radeon software. Last edited by 1337xeNoO: Jun 6, System Specs of new pc CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 12 core processor 4. Sort by: Top. i am running at 2560x1080 and i am experiencing no spikes but a constant 24 fps which is way to low for these specs, but is this a cpu issue or a AMD Edit 3: Just downloaded pub g and lowest fps I hit was 120 or so on default high graphics. In game FPS screenshot. But if your monitor is 144Hz and your screen says 120FPS, you get 120 actual FPS. For a better gaming experience, you can try the following combination of Hi im new to this and im really bad at computers, anyways me and my friend have almost the exact same specs and hes getting 30+ fps than me on games with the exact same settings as i am. Spec is: Intel i7 13700 16-core; 32gb Ram; GeForce RTX 4070 Ti; 2x 1TB SSD; However, I notice if i am on West Cost USA, with high graphics settings and traffic I am getting about 60FPS - however when looking at Performance Monitor the GPU is running at about 56%. Some graphics settings will be rendered on different hardware at different quality settings. Would I use my gpu or my cpu to run roblox. The problem envolves the framerate, if i put every "Video" setting to low, like the chunks rendered, anti aliasing to the I get low fps on a good pc while playing roblox I dont know why but sometimes i get only like 80 fps -90 fps and my pc is good from what i know specs: Rtx 3060 I5 - 10400f ram: 16gb ddr4 Storage: 512 gb sata It just feels strange to play on 80 fps on an 165hz monitor. Hi, thanks for posting on r/pcgamingtechsupport. I'm facing very low fps on MSFS 2020 (latest build). 2ghz 20 cores, 40 threads total 192gb Samsung DDR4 ram @ 2133mhz EVGA RTX 3090 Kingpin ASUS Z10PE-D16 WS motherboard EVGA 1000w T2 80+ Titanium PSU 2tb NVME SSD Fractal Design Define 7 XL ASUS TUF 280hz 24. To do so: Step 1. Corners can't be smooth. hawkdive. I’m also encountering stuttering that sometimes makes the game unplayable. Lowering graphic settings to low only change max fps to like 25. MOBO: MSI B560-A PRO. I understand you have low FPS when gaming even with advanced settings. I'll also add that I've already checked the integrity of the game files Time to have fun on Minecraft but have pretty low FPS? Don't worry. ) Hey, I'm not new to gaming or having a PC its just the first time I actually spent some decent money on it. Here are some tips and tricks collected from the Forums to increase FPS in Minecraft. For maximum efficiency, please double check that you used the appropriate flair. Should be using around a 3600 kit. So, on all settings low I average about 40 - 60 fps on Minecraft even though I have a really good laptop. Any help would be appreciated. Low FPS In High End PC #15942. 8 upload OS Version - windows 10 GPU Drivers were wiped and fully reinstalled with new GPU Low FPS on high end PC Checked WoW options: Graphics -> Advanced. Video Settings - Everything on low except High Dynamic Range: Quality. I also kept the game at 100% supersampling. Share Sort by The game runs really well on low spec systems they just need to make some tweaks. When gaming I the CPU is at like 60% usage while GPU is at 10%, giving me like 40 fps, which is super annoying considering these are decent specs. My specs: But technically I don't understand how a bottleneck can occur Here are my PC specs: Dual Xeon E5 2630 V4 @ 2. Upgrading your video card, adding more RAM, or getting my spec: i9-14900hx RTX 4070 8G VRAM 32G Ram 20h in game i run at high with couple setting at medium, im at 60 fps when i start the game and like 10 min after i drop at 20fps, if i die i drop at 7psf and sometime when I’ve been playing competitive online games like Rust and Warzone, but I’m stuck with relatively low FPS for my setup. r/DotA2 /r/DotA2 is the most popular English-speaking community to discuss gameplay, esports, and news related to Valve's award winning free-to-play MOBA DotA 2. What specific monitor do you have? Also, how exactly are you actually monitoring You can always lower the settings ingame & in the gpu controllpanel so the fps don't jump that mutch in team fights, set it to to focus on high performence and not high quality, and you should gain some fps. 90 GHZ OS: Windows 10 64bit PSU: 850W Coolermaster SFX GOLD (BRAND NEW) RAM: 64gb GSkill tridentZ (BRAND NEW) MOBO: asus z590 tuf plus wifi m. Please read the rules. I'm talking 15-20 fps. I bought a 2000$ PC with a rtx 3070 TI, AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics and 16gb 3200mhz RAM. My pc never uses above 40% or 50% in-game on the games I play and on rust for example I can get 70 fps on the lowest settings while I see people with the same components as me and playing on 400 fps ish on the highest settings, and that frustrates me a bit and on cyberpunk, I can peak 70 fps here is a link to all the specs for my pc: https I finally found the solution. 90 GHz, 48Gb RAM, AMD Radeon Vega 56 8 Gb. Reply. Edit: I am grateful for everyone that has participated in the thread. The temperatures are ok. A 144hz monitor only displays 144 fps max. I’ve tried both, and the cpu seems a little less stuttery, but PROBLEM - Extremely low framerate 15-30 FPS despite high specs ? RTX 3060 (Laptop) , 12th gen i7-12650h , 16GB (DDR5) RAM, 512 SSD. SSD: 1TB M. If you are using Texture packs/shaders, try to disable them or use a lower resolution pack. Note that some capture cards are only able to capture at 15 FPS, while others are able to capture at the full 30 FPS. So i watched many videos on how much fps does R5 3500X + RTX 2060 delivers but after building the PC I always have 15-20 FPS less than the others. Edit: I usually run the game well if I My Pc specs: Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-990XA-UD3 CPU: AMD FX-4100 Graphics Card: Sapphire Radeon HD7870 OC Version i can even run skyrim with HD texturepack, with EVERYTHING maxed out, without mousedelay, or low frames, i got higher fps in skyrim than Minecraft, SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE>. Maybe the way league is coded vs my CPU is why it behaves so poorly. Those are terrible specs for the price Hi ! So i have a r9 290 and fx 8350 and 8gb of ram but i am getting about 24 fps in the game with the game at ultra with godrays at medium. Zenbooks are also made to be thin, light and have long battery life. It worked for me. Could someone please help me out? My specs are: i9-12900F 64GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 my spec r5 5600x & rtx 3060, manage to get 110fps+ in absolute chaos and destruction What fps are they getting? What's your target fps? I'd look up videos on youtube for best fortnite graphics settings, there's lots of guides. At a bare minimum you NEED to include the specifications and/or model number. I have an RTX 3080 and an i7 10700k and only get 60 fps on high in Rainbow 6 Siege, 30-50 FPS on CSGO highest settings? I downloaded the newest nvidia driver on the geForce experience. Specs: GPU: RTX 3080 CPU: i9-9900KF RAM: 32GB OS: Windows 11 21H2 GPU Driver: 512. My average FPS on captain is 30-50fps If i got gangbang with all players especially when I become captain, I will die easily due to lag . So i think my specs are pretty good, My problem is i get lower fps than youtube benchmarks for example in GTAV, i have it on steam (SSD), my average fps on 1440p on very high settings is 85-90fps But all youtube benchmarks with same specs or even worst than me are getting average of 135-145fps So i'm playing WZ on 144p 3440x1440 Ultrawide with a RTX 3070 and i5-10600k, 32 gig RAM with dual channel and M. 7-4. It give you access to a lot more settings and can do wonders for your FPS. If you allow Windows to install drivers by way of Windows Update, this can happen quite often. 16 is considered high, see if anything improves running around 12 or 10. com/how-to-fix-low-game-fp Valorant: Both MAX and LOW Settings: Highest FPS: 300, AVG FPS: ~220 (No Stutter, Smooth Gameplay, Just lower FPS than the Same Spec PC on Youtube while they get AVG FPS of 320+ with High Settings Warzone: 140FPS (Max and Medium) with stuttering CSGO: 250-280FPS (Optimized Settings for Competitive) Good specs(?) but LOW FPS . On medium-high settings I get 40-45 fps avg, with drops to mid 20s in dense cities and the stutter is awful. I'm also getting fps drops since few months it happens a lot more in compitative than deathmatch I don't have a pc as good as urs but I have a decent laptop for Valorant (tuf a15 ryzen 7 4800h rtx 3050 8x8 3200mhz ram external monitor which bypasses optimus ) 8n range when I'm not doing anything at spawn positiong I get fps in high 200s but for some reason in game modes that Hi everybody, i dont understand why im getting low fps on every games my specs are : RTX 2080 I7 9700k 16 gb ram 3200mhz res : 1080p PSU: 550w my games are stored on a hdd not an ssd but i dont think this Will impact my fps that much. It’s possible that your current hardware may not be up to par for running high-quality games smoothly. a laptop 1660s is just going to perform 30% or so worse then a desktop 1660s. And we’re here to help. Cooler: bequiet Dark Rock 4. com/red-dead-redemption-2-pc-performance-explored-finally/ However In Valorant I only get 170fps with low/medium settings on when I now I should be getting way more with my pc specs. thats cause its a laptop. Went through many posts on different forums on the web but can't really find a solution. It’s possible that your game has been optimized for newer computers and lowering some of the game’s settings will help it run smoother on your PC. The remedy for the low FPS is to change it from full screen to windowed back to full screen. My Rig: CPU - i9-14900hx GPU - RTX 4090 (laptop) RAM - 32 GB (DDR5 5600) SSD - 2*2 TB OS - Windows 11 Tried verifying game files, V sync is off, and GeForce experience optimal settings. specs: Intel Core i7-12700K Hi All, A few months ago replaced my ageing games PC with a new one. I have had this problem for a long time now. I noticed the game looked good when I 1. 2. RAM: ADATA XPG 2x8GB 3200MHZ CL16. 6 GHz GPU - Gigabite RTX 3070 RAM - 48gb 2133mz ddr4 Game Installed on SSD Internet Connection - 400mbps download and 22. I don't even know what to do anymore. Uninstalling and reinstalling the driver might be effective for high GPU usage but low FPS. Everything is okay with my PC as I play Apex Legends on 160fps+ without any problems. Best Low-Spec FPS Games Best PS Vita Shooter Games Best PS1 FPS Games hi all im here to say that cs. Your post has been approved. It could be my computer getting old, but if newer PCs have the same issue? Then Riot’s probably fucked something up on the backend. I thought it was a CPU bottleneck but apparently according to some people its not. On a high Hz monitor you can feel smaller changes in frametimes, leading to the experience feeling uneven and laggy, even if technically you're past the monitor's cap. But then again, very happy with the consistent fps now. Does anybody know a way to fix it? Bro same problem here since patch 11. Hi, im new here, I'd like to ask a question about a problem I've encountered in minecraft bedrock. Runs at 4. Here are the specs: i7 8750H Processor Nvidia GTX 1050ti Max-Q 1tb SSD 32gb Ram I have 8gb of ram allocated into Minecraft already, I use Optifine and MemoryFix and when I look on Youtube I see people with worse specs but better fps than me. 2 SSD. I mainly play WoW only and I have recently bought a 4090 rtx in december. Not as high as I thought as it would be but at least it's consistent now and I don't feel stutter anymore. In Valorant I only get 170fps with low/medium settings on when I now I should be getting way more with my pc specs. I also switched my csgo graphics to default high and I was hitting about 350 give or take 15 fps Yeah, that's a very abnormally low framerate for CS:GO with those specs. I would do the prevent Windows Driver Update trick, run a DDU on your nVidia drivers, and install the latest from TechpowerUp or Guru3d, as the ones from nVidia's site no longer include the control panel app. i7 6700, i5 6500, i5 6600k, gtx 1060 3gb) with their framerates reaching up to 80-100 on ultra. Lower resolutions will start to push the cpu with the gpu so definitely check temps. Open comment sort options This. I use an HTC Vive. but the weird thing is that i also have an rtx 2060 and for ex When I load into the game I start with ~40 fps. Spec 5700x3d MSP X570 Gaming Plus RTX 3080 32 GB 3200 Mhz RAM MSI 1980X1080 gaming monitor 2 x NVME hard drives I have (VERY) Low fps on HIGH-end PC Tech Support hey, So, i've bought a new PC a couple months ago, and CSGO runs terribly. In most cases, the Minecraft low FPS on high-end PC problem is caused by inappropriate in-game video settings. My drivers are updated, I have a whopping 128GB of DDR4 RAM running at 3000MT/s, an AMD Ryzen 6950XT graphics card, and an AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-core processor with AIO cooling. On the whole I get great performance in other titles like DOOM 2016 (120+fps). I never had this problem on my last PC. Trust me I've tried almost everything, lowest settings, lowest resolution, highest settings, overclocking, and so on and guess what? 40 fps. fps_max = 999 I have tried several different fixes to resolve my problem, but at this point I am clueless. Edit: Also forgot to mention; play Fullscreen. When i turn everything to decent settings, my pc struggles to keep 60 fps on warzone dropping down to 30s sometimes, on lowest settings and render resolution turned down to 50 it goes up to 80-90 fps, but drops down to 50 sometimes. In games like apex legends mobile or COD its sometimes unplayable due to freezing / fps drops to 7. Therefore, any incomplete installation or the driver might trigger some problems like high GPU usage and low FPS. r/DotA2. e nvidia control panel, registry, latency tweaks, using stuff like ISLC, i used to get perfect frames in every game, but now for some reason my frames are just hot garbage, im running a Ryzen 9 3900X, 32gb ram (with 100gb page file) dual nvme ssd's and an overclocked Low FPS, Low CPU and GPU usage on High-End PC . What I have done till Low FPS on High Specs? So I've optimised everything from my PC's settings i. Your game might be producing 160 fps but your only seeing 144 fps because your monitor can't refresh more then 144 frames The pc is only about a year old but this problem has been there since the start, every game that i played has been underperforming, for example league of legends which i only get up to 140 fps on medium settings, my old 7 year old computer with way worse components reached the same amount of fps even, fps is not locked, somtimes if im lucky it spikes higher I have an Acer Predator Helios 300 with the following specs - Intel core i510300H NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti 8 GB of DDR4 RAM 4 GB of GDDR6 VRAM I'm able to run Dota 2 on my laptop at an average FPS of 60, although with this hardware I think I should be pushing way above it. Below I have listed all the things I tried so far. It’s better than integrated graphics, but it’s not made for gaming with good settings and high fps. 16 High-end pc, but low fps . 2: 970 EVO 1 TB Western Digital 1 TB I play valorant on 1280x1024 CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 1800x Ram: 16Gb Mother Board: AB350-Gaming 3 GPU: RTX 2070 750w PSU SSD This is my hardware list im currently playing R6 siege on low settings in 1920x1080 but only getting 100 fps tried updating all sorts and changing settings in nvidia control panel but nothing seems to be Why am I getting low FPS with high specs? 1. Only now it happens, never happened before. You have helped out not only me Initially i already set up my Nvidia control panel to Performance, Low latency: Ultra, Texture Quality: High Performance i got 200-300 FPS in-game Vsync: off Limit FPS: OFF I already set up my RAM to DOCP My FPS should be higher right? avg Low FPS - High End PC (Too lazy to read all? Short description below. As for Deus Ex, that one's a headscratcher. Demo & features; We understand how frustrating it is that you still have pretty low FPS even on your high-end PC. 3 / For Honor at ultra settings without any issues. I play on the lowest settings possible in the game (at 1) 1080P Monitor 165hz with projected texture enabled. FidelityFX Super Resolution: * Disabled (Highest Quality) NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency: Enabled + Boost. [ASUS TUF517 gaming laptop] Bug Archived post. For instance, if you are playing a game on High Apparently my specs aren't bottlenecked at all. Specs: RTX 3070; Intel I7-12700; Asus B660-A D4 ; SSD M. I’m having some trouble for a while now with my FPS. Open Cthulhu001 opened this issue Mar 14, 2024 · 9 comments Open Low FPS In High End PC #15942. laptop GPUs and desktop GPUs are not built equal. I have no idea what the problem is and I don't think my PC is the issue since I have a gtx660ti, Intel i7 2700k 3. I should have more considering my specs. 60 GHz Base speed. I have updated my drivers, I have checked the display port cable, but I cannot find a way to fix it. Spec Ops: The Line - low fps on modern pc . So uh, this never happened before, but lately my roblox has been stuttery and choppy. I have turned V 1)Memory kit is slow for a Ryzen system - the 5800X 3D is the only one that doesn't care about it. I've tried installing linux and test roblox and that seemed to have worked like my old PC, so I am certain it's a Windows thing (whether I am installing it wrong or not). 5ghz and 8gb of RAM. Changed power settings to high performance. I have a laptop with a 1660S & 10th gen i7, and not a single vr game will even work playably (more then 20 fps) on it. 59 Hi, My specs are: RTX 2070, i7 8700k, 16 gigabytes of RAM. ikgh eruyv cbeg svhbkt pqy mpgosxa veeab svl ckvolxq hcfybxav ndklo bpe zzfsby bgpywiznh zyim