Permanent dent in thigh I fell HARD with a heavy shelf on top of me from behind, & this resulted in a very severe subdermal hematoma on my thigh. 2. In fact, like many other surgeons, a good percentage of my liposuction practice is revising liposuction from other physicians. When I'm standing up, the dent is probably close to an inch deep. Noticed an indentation on my leg. It looks like a long line across it. Tandurust Huge indentation in my thigh after hip replacement. Symptoms include a decrease in muscle mass, one limb being smaller than the other, and numbness, weakness and tingling in your limbs. Main symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma. Lipodystrophy. That being said, dents are common. Trauma from an injury can cause compartment syndrome which can lead to a swollen thigh above the knee. Eventually the bruise disappeared, but I was left with a dent in my thigh. Its very weird and I’m concerned that it’s atrophy and I’m panicking. The bruising didn't go away for over a month. This is a benign condition, and the workaround is to use these muscles again and gain weight. The indent feels circular. Blinski, MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon (283) Get a Consultation. Or even so, if you lose weight, this is a loss of thigh fat. If this is what has occurred I would stop Botox treatments until the muscle thickens and this should improve your result. I am currently 235 lbs, about 23% body fat In looking at your pictures, it appears to me that there may be an atrea on your inner thigh that may have been squeezed a little tighter than other areas of your thigh by the garment. Sometimes, the dent can be reduced with careful liposuction at the periphery of the dent. This is known as lipoatrophia semicircularis, a condition that causes the loss of fat tissue and the formation of dents on the skin. A bone cannot get 'dent' like a metal would get, but can smalls dents that are almost invisible. If so, this will not respond to fat Best to check these things with a doctor. The picture does not do a great job of showing the area as a whole. It has no flesh in that spot. I'm not overweight, 5'6", 120, but could use more exercise. But I've never permanently dented muscle from a single act/injury. This is because heavy trauma. I(18F), as the title suggests, have a very Thank you for the question. D-dimer blood test: This blood test measures levels of a substance that is released into the blood when a clot breaks up. Please wait a full 6 months, before considering revision. The inner thigh is prone to this happening if the garment gets bunched up and pushes into the area for a long enough period of time. No doctor seems to know what it is and physical therapy has not helped. Skin pitting: This is when the skin dimples or dents after pressing on the affected area for a few A blood clot in the thigh, also known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), can be a serious medical condition that requires prompt medical attention. Thigh contusions commonly affect people who play contact or extreme sports. I haven’t worked out in a while but burpees causes my quads to cramp. Share Add a Comment. The loss of adipose or fatty tissue under the skin makes Without imaging, it may be difficult to identify what the issue is. . Previously had ‘cellulitis’ in that area but the lump never went even after antibiotics. . I encourage you to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to explore your options further and take steps toward achieving your desired results. Usually the mechanism of injury is a direct blow to the quadriceps causing significant muscle damage. There is also a squared off patch measuring 5 cm x 3 cm where you can feel a nodule under the skin and the patch of skin is hard and swollen. The disease takes the form of "dents" in the fatty tissue of the legs of the office workers. Mildly interesting?” Dent in thigh . A grade one muscle strain is slight damage to your muscle fibres. You can actually see it if wearing tight jeans and feel the dip if you run your finger over it. It is used to rule out blood clots. Still have a quarter sized dent. The side effect for me was the permanent crease in my thigh (which my wife pointed out to me for years and kept asking if it was healthy). So I have had this deep dent in my right thigh, just a little above my knee, for about three years now. This is soemthing that is a part of the regenerative process of the body and you can only wait and see as to how it develops. you may also notice a dent or gap in your leg where the muscle tore. It uses sound waves to observe the flow of blood in your veins and detect blood clots or blockages. Benign thigh dents take on a variety of forms. I think it appeared recently because I would have noticed it before. Hi Everyone: I was just looking for info on this problem and came across this forum, so I registered so I could post my story. Talk to your injector as they know you Duplex ultrasonography: This is the standard imaging test for diagnosing a blood clot in your leg. The lipo of knees and calves is a surgery that fee $5,000. It is most visible when the leg is placed horizontally and the muscle is relaxed. When I first noticed it, I though I slept on something. It can occur in the veins or arteries and disrupt the normal flow of blood. It takes about 3 - 6 months to appear. Reply. and than i realized its because i started working from home, most of the day i am sitting a front A dent in the shin bone can arise from various causes, including trauma, stress fractures, or underlying medical conditions. Dents in fatty tissue can be the eventual result of fat necrosis or of intentional fat removal. We’ve all had leg pain at some point. It’s called muscle definition. It’s actually fascinating how many things endo can cause! I got kicked in the thigh a couple months ago too, it took a couple weeks for the swelling to go down and the bruise to disappear. It is almost like a gap in my quadricep muscle. This article explains the causes of dents in your quad muscle. I caught my foot on the turf while shooting a soccer ball and tore my anterior extensor muscle. It has been a year. It is much more pronounced when I pull at the But you may continue to have some small indentation at the spot permanently. I am curious if anyone else has experienced a thigh dent that is more a deep crater in the quad. Can thigh pain cause problems anywhere else? You may feel some pain in the muscles around your hip, knee or calf. Posted 6 years ago, 11 users are following. _____ Baby #1. I’m not sure if it’s because of how I may have been sitting or if this is just some swelling, but I have a distinct dent in my right leg. Hopefully it's only temporary Archived post. I don't have a scar indentation but do have one on the front of my thigh (my scar is on the side). I noticed it again a few days later and it has not gone Big dent in thigh Symptoms Hey guys it’s me again. Invariably, you discover dents that you swear were never there before. These sometimes will be improved by touch-up liposuction. I have also been having pain/tingling/burning sensations in that leg but I feel like that was happening before I found the dent. To the pain almost feels like I have a tight belt being pulled I have a large dent in the top of my thigh. Another possible cause of a dent in shin is a condition known some people have fat layers that thing out on the upper outer thigh. Thigh dent 6 months after lipo. subscribers . what is the cause?: More Info: That is not enough information to answer your question. When your thighs hit a surface, and you bump into a hard object, it causes the fatty tissue to shrink. Best to virtual consult with Helpful. The indentation may have formed as the bone healed, and although the fracture may have caused pain at the time, the dent itself is usually not painful. Known as a grade 3 tear or strain. 2 When I started playing guitar after a while I noticed that I had developed a large dent in my thigh which was obviously from resting my guitar there which I only noticed as it Thus, a “skinny fat” person can be minus a visible dent in their thigh. lately been feeling really good about not having *** but I did notice this big dent in my leg about two months ago. There was a counter at my last job right where I had to stand for hours a day to stock things and supervise that was the perfect height for me to lean against, and I ended up with a dent in my thigh. This condition is called atrophy (muscle wasting). It occurs when there is an imbalance in the mechanisms that regulate fluid movement between blood vessels and surrounding tissues, causing an accumulation of interstitial fluid under the skin. I have attached some pictures as well. It could potentially be treated with liposuction, fat transfer or both. The dent was about half an inch deep and was not painful. my sister she's a physiotherapist , told me that it is probably because of lack of movement/ blood flow. 3. Been able to get it out of my mind and not analyze it but I did hot yoga today and basically all the poses were in such a way that all I could do was stare at it and how bad it is. Atrophy means shrinkage of muscle due to disuse. This was over two years ago at this point and the dent never went away, or got any more Or can it alter my skin in a way to make a permanent indent or something like that? I was thinking it might actually dent your skull or morph the skin, tissue, and/or muscle permanently. followed by some pain down the side of my thigh while stretching but thought nothing of it and continued to do aerobics exercise. I had no idea that something like that could be so permanent. I did have my laptop on my thighs for extended hours, but I always use a cushion between my legs and the laptop. Hematomas/bruising are well known to cause subcutaneous fat atrophy. If you don’t believe me, open a fitness or bodybuilding magazine and look at the legs. New dents appear overnight. More severe injuries require a long healing period. 3 months ago I had a back injury that kept me in bed for more than a month and in that time, the dent grew bigger which obviously got me worried. The dent was midway between his ankle and the knee of his left leg. Thigh hurts more but kicks below the knee have a greater chance of punting that leg out (Anderson silva and cub swanson do this a lot in mma, that is to say LOW low kicks), there are pros and cons to both targets. Randy Coture says he has a permanent indentation, in his thigh, from Pedro Rizzo leg kicks!! Steve08 American Fedor Belt @Gold Dents in Fat. I cannot see it when I stand up or bend my leg. DVT happens when a blood clot, also known as a thrombus, forms in one or That’s not a dent; it’s the separation between the vastus medialis and lateralis muscles. Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a type of cancerous tumor that can grow in the body’s soft tissues. They are full of dents. Noticing one thigh swelling can be a cause for concern. I would advise being seen for a consultation. Deep vein thrombosis or a thigh bruise are also common causes of a swollen thigh. Why does my bra leave dents on my shoulders? Bra straps can cause grooves in the shoulders and the bra band below your breasts can sometimes dig in and cause discomfort Although Botox does not make a permanent indentation in the face, it can cause muscle atrophy. I have no idea where this came from -- it doesn't hurt or anything, but it has me wondering. 18F, 5'6" ~110lb, white, dent in left upper thigh,, at least a year (not sure how long), prozac, no. It’s been 6+ months since I worked there and it’s completely gone by now. It tends to be just on the outside of the hip joint area. The pain still shoots down the outside of my leg past my knee. It is possible that if there are areas of contour irregularity, there may be options for improvement such as scar release and fat grafting, but an in-person exam would be necessary to determine those options. I’ve personally treated patients who had dents with Renuva (a semi-permanent filler). I suggest an in person consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has expertise in body contouring surgery. It's important to Well, the bruising is pretty much gone although it's still tender over 3 months laterbut it has left a huge dent in my leg. The quadriceps, often shortened and referred to as the quads, are a group of muscles located on the front of the thigh. People who’d be considered “fat” won’t have a visible dent in their thigh, middle or anywhere. The muscle on either side of the indent is further up. It's been two years since I had hip surgery. Some thigh contusions are mild and heal with at-home treatment. The Cause of a Permanent Dent in Your Arm. Woke up to these indents, feels like I am 55 years old with a very obvious indentation in my inner right thigh. They usually occur when you experience a direct, hard hit to your thigh. For a few weeks I had the biggest and blackest bruise on my thigh which led to permanent muscle damage that has Occasionally a description for the quad muscle dent comes in as closer to vertical, and may exceed two inches in length, sometimes stretching for almost half the length of the thigh. It has similar characteristics as most people have experienced. It did not. length wise not long at all. Think it will be permanent injury yet I didn't even do it myself. Hypertonic IT Band creates indentation in the lateral thigh was listed under the IT Band Massage : OBSERVATION on the Massage Therapy Reference website for IT Band Massage Lipoatrophia Semicircularis: An electromagnetic problem in the workplace. If the worker comes back, the problem can reoccur. Maybe you banged your shin against your favorite chair, or you had an intense cramp in your thigh or calf muscle. In this blog post, we will explore the possible causes, Anyway, the impact left a permanent dent in my shinbone and inside muscle parallel to the shin. I crashed my mountain bike last summer and hit my leg on a bar. Other causes include a hernia , pregnancy, or kidney stones. I am not experiencing weakness; however, I do have the typical pins and needles. He had no history of fractures, so he got a bit startled. I did research on the anatomic location and it's either the Iliotibial band Soft tissue sarcoma Soft tissue sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that starts in soft tissue, such as muscle and fat. hello, i had this horizontal dent in both legs (upper legs) . I also have a strange lump in my thigh, kind of like a dip and then a lump. Liposuction can result in dents 2. That said, I started noticing the mystery dent on my right thigh roughly 6 months ago. Updated: What is the best treatment(s)? Subcision, microneedling, lasers, RF, tretinoin? Do not want filler or anything artificial injected that is Hello,Unfortunately, you have a permanent irregularity after inner thigh liposuction. Contusions cause rupture to the muscle fibers at or directly adjacent to the area of impact, usually leading to hematoma formation within the muscle causing pain and loss of motion. When the swelling went down I found that I had a huge indention around the 8 inch scar! Pretty sure a dent in a muscle is due to a tear from the ligament. When I bend my knees, 2 lumps form around the dent (1 lump above Indent in Outer Thigh Muscle Explained; Dent in Middle of Thigh Muscles Is Benign, Harmless; Calf Dents, Twitching Muscles Have You Worried? Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. If a microfisure occurs it needs healing time and it hurts a lot. We’ve all seen the atrophy of a limb after a cast for a broken bone, that’s been in place for weeks, is finally removed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If it occurs in the thigh, it may feel like a person has a lump in their thigh, though symptoms Dent in thigh Today I noticed a dent in my upper thigh on the right side. You can feel the muscle underneath. Like if I run over it, I can feel a grove or dip in the level of it. I've been running and road cycling many years and have many scars from contact with the ground, just no thigh dents! May try massaging it to see if Like the title says, I have a dent in my upper thigh. Massive haematoma so I'm feeling her pain Reply More posts from r/Unexpected. Recognizing the signs and symptoms associated with a dent in the shin bone We report eight individuals with localized lipoatrophy of the lateral lower leg that were seen by a single dermatologist in a 1-year period. It treats various skin conditions including cellulite and stretch marks I hope this helps, Best of The thigh dent may be "fixed" by injections of Radeisse/Sculptra in a few sessions at $1,000/session. I hope my answer has helped you. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. i try to figure out what have been changed in the last period. are still not clearly understood, the environmental factors that cause the condition are known to be multifactorial, and involve the interaction of electrostatic charges generated on the worker's body through normal I have a thigh dent from two months ago from a 80kg barbell dropped on my leg when I was spotting. I had one shot and it left a dent in my thigh. Muscle atrophy is the wasting or thinning of muscle mass. Always warm up before playing sports and wear the proper protective equipment to I had a dent in thigh from leaning on a counter all the time. In September of last year (2013), roughly nine months ago, I fell onto the ridge of a low dressing table. “I have a permanent dent in my thigh muscle. Could it be that my laptop caused this dent? I just started searching for more information about What causes thigh problems? Thigh problems can be the result of an injury caused by: overstretching or twisting during activities or sport; a fall; a direct blow to the thigh; Pain in your thigh may also come on for no apparent reason. Liposuction dents that do not respond, as well as dents from fat necrosis or other causes, can be filled in by fat grafting. The dent is going to go away when the swollen dissapears. Leg pain While I was ill, I noticed a dent in my thigh that was never there before. I believe it is caused from repeated bruising by my german shepard jumping on me and landing in the same spot. It is most likely that the injury has caused some of your fat to "split" & it has healed this way. However, I now have a dent on my thigh that doesn't seem like it will ever go away Reply reply VampireElf26 • Omg, fridge falling buddies! nothing was broken but my hip has permanent discoloration from the incident despite the pain being gone. I believe the indentation is due to my failure to exercise those muscles properly since my op. 2 months after the procedure, I noticed a horizontal dent on one thigh. Ig it is normal lol Reply reply I only did 2 injections so far but I've noticed in both places I have permanent dents. The pain is getting worse and keeps me awake at night. With certain technics, it offers great results. How to Remove Mysterious Dent in Thigh? Sam Naficy, MD, FACS says: Based on your description you may have a dermatofibroma which can have a firm periphery with a dimpled center. Ethel Brown . I am tanned Hispanic, female, healthy, have hypertrophic scars, early 30s. As I am losing muscle mass, this dent is becoming more pronounced, even when wearing pants. Well I did not give it much thought because I assumed it would go away rather quickly. I have been told the indentation is permanent because the neck of the implant is smaller in diameter than the neck of the femur bone that was cut The dent is done into the fluid that produces a swollen area. Darryl J. The indentation is void of subcutaneous fat. But there was no trauma here. I have a dent in my shin bone also from an injury. This is sometimes referred to as a hip dip. It has never been there before and I noted it around november. It can be caused by disuse of your muscles or neurogenic conditions. S. Apart from fillers, collagen induction therapy (CIT) could help to treat the dent by tightening the skin. My mother once told me this indentation developed because of an IV left in place for too long when I because ill as a child. I haven't experienced pain related to this but wanted to know if it was anything serious. I have issues with strophic scarring in which my skin heals with a very thin layer and no flesh. Any advice? (Photo) I am a 37 year old female. I have been in pain since then. I’m going to tell you why seeing an indent in your At 9 months any further massaging is unlikely to change the dent. Has any one experienced A couple of months ago I developed an indentation in my right upper thigh. I woke up about five days ago and found an indentation in my right upper thigh. While some may dismiss it as a minor issue, the reality is that such dents can indicate more significant problems that require medical evaluation. Your mind begins playing tricks on you. A contracted muscle will absorb force The answer is yes, and you can have a dent in thigh muscles if you are not using these muscles for quite a time. It's usually found deep under your skin and you may feel it before you see it. I have dent in my left Overall, addressing the dent on your thigh caused by the DPT vaccine is possible with the help of modern aesthetic procedures like fat transfer. Shoulder Grooving: An indentation in the shoulder caused by a bra strap trying to bear the weight of overly large breasts. 6 EXPERT ANSWERS. Crazy. She’s also a former ACE-certified He also needed to follow a prescribed meal plan from the instructor. It has been about 2 weeks, and the dent hasn't gone away. Wh You can get inner thigh pain near your groin from many conditions that cause upper thigh pain. I had lipo on the upper part of my inner thighs 6 months ago. It hurt, but it got better fast. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. i am 29 i don't have cellulite at all, i am skinny and working out. Then, after some days, he realized a dent in his shin. A couple of weeks ago, as I got out of the shower, I noticed a dent in my right upper thigh and I realized that I had been leaning against my bathroom counter while applying make up and plucking my eyebrows. Good luck! only to notice days later I have a horizontal indentation between the hip bone and thigh on the left side. It was about three inches down from the hip and ran from the centerline to the Grading of muscle strains Muscle strains are graded depending on how bad your injury is. All were asymptomatic and half had mild epidermal changes consistent with lichenification. i have an indentation on my leg. Online it said it was rare but small dents may occur and one of mine is about the size if not larger than a quarter. 80558055 I had a traumatic injury to my thigh that left an indentation that my doctor said was collagen loss. I remember a large deep bruise there before the dent appeared. Developing dents in muscles of lower right leg - when I rub my leg, feel like a there's a hole in muscle and it is actually visible - saw reflection in store window. What can I do to repair this area, if repair 1. It doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t feel warm, so hopefully it’s not a blood clot. From a Fitness Expert: Listen to me: Calf dents are normal. That was two years ago and when I use it too much it still gets tender. not long a few days at most. Any thoughts? I have lost 75 pounds in about a year, and have been actively working out 5-6 times per week for several months with a rest week of no physical activity every 10-12 weeks. These "dents" are visibly deeper after my leg day of my workout routine. I actually found after the first day it was only painful if a little bit of pressure was put on it, otherwise that spot on my thigh was mostly numb lol. Contusion injuries to the quadriceps are common in athletics. I just left my primary doctor because about a month ago I discovered a dent in my thigh. kaye64930. Resting your arm against your desk might seem like a harmless habit, but it can lead to a permanent dent in your limb. 1 Baby #1. You will need a revision surgery that includes internal scar rupture, further liposuction of peripheral fat, and possibly fat Dent on thigh caused by dpt vaccine while young . It's on my outer thigh (my right one) and it feels like a hole in the muscle. it's below the hip bone but above most of the thigh. It should only be treated by fat to replace what is lost. Causes of Blood Clot Sudden Indentation On Leg. No fat. After reading that endo can go everywhere I now just assume it’s part of this stupid condition. The skin is still soft but is pale in comparison and the hair follicles enlarged. Seven were an incidental finding during a general skin examination. The best option My thigh was the first and only impact and I felt all of my organs jolt. While the biological mechanisms responsible for the appearance of the lesions associated with L. There are several factors that can contribute to the development of a blood clot and subsequent sudden indentation on the leg. Combined with perhaps a side-sleeper this can create deeper lateral lines in the forehead. get used to it. When it comes to impact injuries, it could be many things like a bone bruise, bone fracture, or a simple Hi this is so random but a few weeks ago I noticed a dent are the top of my left thigh. Pitting edema is a specific type of edema that’s associated with pitting, or indentation, Just wanted to add my story here in case it helps another web searcher. This happens in healthy people all the time, and can be quite noticeable depending on the circumstances. I am pretty sure my thigh dents are from the crease in my jeans when I sit down (all day in an office)who would have thought wearing tight jeans would be a slow form of body modification! 🙂 If the dent is ontraction of the muscles after a tear, the dent will be permanent. If the worker leaves the environment, it takes a few months to dissappear. The only debate is whether this should be done Here is why you should calm down and stop worrying about that indentation in your outer thigh muscle. Shoulder grooving can cause pain and disfigurement. it's about 2 maybe 3 inches going horizontal. I’m now 67 and the dent is still thereI wear it as a badge of honor or shameyou choose. About a week ago, I noticed this indentation on my left thigh. When a blood clot forms in the leg, it can cause various symptoms, including a sudden indentation. Have you noticed a sudden indentation on your leg? It can be a cause for concern and may indicate an underlying health issue. Do not freak out or feel fear upon looking at your thigh dent. Feedback/Bonus will be appreciated. The most common symptom of soft tissue sarcoma is a lump somewhere on your body. In general, edema refers to any swelling that arises from excess fluid build-up in the body. This grading can ensure you get the right treatment. Learn about the causes of inner thigh pain. But it got deeper. Please click on the green 'accept' button below for accepting this answer. This only works if the dent is fairly small. I came across this board about two months ago after noticing a dent on my right upper thigh. Mine is a huge dent in my calf. wjel vra bygv fxpnkk ixyibod lwjx fvxdl vhhic ukpw sscc xuuw qpgh xscmwoy oyb gpoy