Reddit do women like doctors Actually had a meeting with one today and he said “at the end of the day it’s about being a good doctor and taking good care of the patient, and when you do that almost every woman won’t care if you’re a male or a female. I once went in for a sore throat and got told I “must just be on my period. She went to medical school just like me and every other fucking doctor. In my experience, the allure of being a professional is particularly As a woman who is very familiar with the medical system from a patient standpoint (I've always frequently seen doctors due to chronic illness from birth), I'd consider dating a Is a female physician less desirable to date? Why do men make excuses like they don't want to date a busy woman who is always at work? There are a lot of different branches in medicine As an "attractive (idk?) independent" future female doctor, I am comfortable dating/marrying anybody who I find attractive regardless of their social status. I don't know how women feel having a man poke around their female parts. The only single female physician colleague I know is CRAAAAZY. Women find "nice guys" boring. It goes : white male, bame non black male. I've never found a doctor that made me feel heard, safe, or like I was anything more than a dollar amount. So I have to do a thorough check of all medications I'm prescribed before I take them now because I can't trust that a doctor paid attention and didn't try to kill me. Patients gotta respect the doc. ” It’s unfortunate, but you will learn how to communicate with female nurses as a female physician (definitively worse if you are young, attractive, or both). I think part of the reason is that women tend to want to settle with men on a similar "prestige" level (other physicians, lawyers, finance types, maybe professors, let's I had a female doctor for a while. It is a bit weird and awkward though, when teenage to 30+ year old guys suddenly develop boners while their dicks are on my thickly gloved hand. Same, most are worse with women but some are noticeably worse to men. Most doctors and therefore medical Reddit user anonuser123999 asked the women of the community, "What has your experience been like being ignored or dismissed by doctors?" Unfortunately, this has been a major problem for years. And in this way, female doctors are going to have to compete for those high caliber men with other woman who may not be as career successful (like a doctor) but can still be quite beautiful. Women are sexually attracted to men who are confident in themselves, do what they want and who they struggle to control. You'd spend all day looking at female genitals, which at first (or when you're young, hormonal, and ignorant/idealistic) sounds like fun -- but then, when you go home at night, your wife is horny, strips and shows you hers, and you automatically just glance over at her, say "yep, you're A lot of the female influencers and fitness models take Anavar, which tends not to have the masculinizing effects that other stronger types of anabolic steroids do. Also, they don't do anesthesia properly here. Allah swt has a plan for you, so don’t worry and honestly you’re still super young, your life is just getting started. Also, your example is flawed. That's all. Referring to the past, obviously the proportion of women in medicine is increasing, and starting to even out in absolute numbers but as u/etomadate was saying there remains a greater majority of men in more senior roles. Yes, it is typically quite common for American women to go directly to the OBGYN for women’s health issues. I could say/do the exact same thing and they would give me the "I know better than you" routine (I look maybe 18), but they will follow the words of our McDreamies to a T. He called me later that evening, and was like he only saw a fibroid. I am not saying doctors as a group are not intelligent but I would definitely not say that they are the smartest people in the world, they have holes in their knowledge base and social skills just like other people. I imagine that female doctors don’t look at male doctors the same way a teacher would, for example. If you show up telling the doctor what you have instead of trying him what your symptoms are, you're starting at a disadvantage. Reply reply I don't trust that female doctors will inherently treat you better or be more compassionate towards your situation. ) and I heard mixed opinions about how women view such a The Operators that like the Doctor Gravel, Ambriel, Platinum, Angelina, Grani, Blue Poison, Heavyrain. I’ve learnt to put my hope and trust in Allah swt, not in people. Bame non black female doctor. Women of reddit, what hints have you Women do like to date femboys. . Interestingly, I've heard the opposite. Reply reply Opera_Phantom_Face • I feel funny saying this but it be kinda neat to have some kind of animation depiction of a femboy dating a woman Status/job doesn't much enter the equation like it does for women who look for a partner. Plenty of men doctor husbands belittle their woman doctor wives. I have a female doctor. Doctors of reddit, do patients ever get aroused when you examine their genitals, and how do you deal with that situation? It takes him like 5 minutes to calm down enough to wrap up and leave, meanwhile I'm thinking to myself what the fuck just happened? Reddit, you're the first to hear this story. I’ve seen it end in marriage in very, very rare situations, like 1/50 but it usually ends with a job transfer, pink slip or an HR mess. Doctors not taking women seriously is a recorded Phenomenon. If finding a partner is a priority you'll find time. Our brains are just a product of the culture we've grown up in, and unfortunately, our brains have images of male surgeons and female nurses. There are medical and scientific things that they deal with that interest then for different reasons. Scandinavian countries do around a year of paid leave. If a person is young and healthy, the doctor should (ideally) be bringing up things like how much you exercise, what your diet is like, do you drink/smoke/use drugs, do you use appropriate sun protection, if you are sexually active they should discuss if you are interested in fertility or contraception, they should discuss what cancer How do women view guys in the engineering profession? I'm about to get my postgraduate in engineering, I specialise in medical engineering (design of prosthetics, analysis of brain signals, programming etc. When female bodybuilders do make the jump to taking the trens, the clens, the decas, those do cause permanent masculinizing physical changes to the body: their jaw grows, they Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. It rarely works in the man’s favor because women will team up with other women. Almost like they get off on being even worse to a male subordinate. It is hilarious to watch the 35-60 female population with these colleagues. Only thing is, with male doctors, I’ll be just a bit more “on guard”, because I know they might be biased towards seeing me as “a worrier” or a nuisance if I However, after several months on Reddit there seems to be the opposite trend! On women-oriented subs especially, like this one and twoxchromosomes. and there are a lot more operators that have implied attraction. The issue is that you have to find the women who are interested in you. Just remember that everyone you work with is unlikely to be impressed that you're a doctor. We have a huge commitment to our patients, and our schedules are sometimes a complete mess and it can come across as “I act like my job and schedule is more important than yours”, but in truth, it’s simply that the demands we cater to — physically mentally Doctors don't see organ systems like laypeople do. White female doctor. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. You could say that many are probably looking for an educated woman with a good income such as theirs, but honesty a lot I always though that being a gynecologist, in particular, would be a double-edged sword. It'll change, but it will take time. Oh, and he's got a college degree. Many women absolutely refuse to see a male gynecologist. Women of Reddit, do you prefer a male or female gynaecologist, and why? it’s your body, somebody else said yes. I love the job, I`m passionate about healthcare, diagnosing and managing people`s conditions. Not to mention fears and the like from doctors fucking us up as kids, then we grow up and we're like "why the fuck would i wanna go to a doctor?" Doctors simply do not have the trust of men at the moment and i think it's justified. Doctors like that should volunteer themselves or their sisters or moms. I’ve encountered about 2 of those female doctors in my time. Doctors are often under a lot of stress and things can definitely take a toll. Please read the rules before participating. You are encouraged not to play favorites but it is human nature to treat the people you like/love with more favorability. So TLDR; Don't mind. The quality of care is typically better than what a GP can provide. It's not that way for men. It would be equally as weird if a female requested a male doctor specifically When I was 13 I had my first physical examination and the female doctor had me stand up and drop my pants to inspect my genitals. They get health insurance A female surgeon colleague is married to an otolaryngologist. Age has a big thing to do with it. But it was norm so it was okay to do so and not question it. "I like women to be my doctors! Male gynecologists are like mechanics who don't have Lastly, a good partner will have empathy for you and your life. In my experience, the doctors I've encountered were professional enough to present themselves gender-neutral, if that makes any sense. Also, parents have their own sick leave if they get sick, but they also get a few weeks' paid leave per year if their As a female doctor who does this all the time, all I think of are objective findings, like how am I gonna correlate his chief complaint with my physical examination. Like, a lot of female doctors get married so I’m sure we won’t struggle. Sometimes it's really impersonal how they end up specializing in the things that they do. It wasn't until 2007 (actually it may jave gpne on the inserts much later than this) that depression was acknowledged as a side effect of the contraceptive pill One advantage is that most ENT programs do home call, so you're not in house even though you are on call Q3 or Q4 days. Also just so you understand how your mindset can backfire doctors used to also do surgery on babies up to the late 80s without anesthesia because they legit thought babies could not feel pain. Haha I believe it. Theres no guarantees. Most of these men (but not all) are assholes cos those are the kind of men that generally exhibit those features. Had a cardiologist send me home and tell me to drink more water (hint: it didn't make a difference) even though I can't walk around without my heart rate jumping 140-50, and running is like 200 bpm. Black doctors. Period. Also, it's super rewarding work. The worst Doctors are human beings, so yes, they can be attracted to their patients and flirt. Despite our lack of free time, mountains of work stress, and a professional life that often bleeds over into our personal lives, there are several other reasons dating experts and sociologist have identified as issues that People who think male doctors and lawyers just want an attractive woman and don’t care about their education, social status, and future professional prospects haven’t been around young Today a physician is as likely to be female as male, yet most people still picture a doctor as a man. And as i stood there with a man handling my nuts it occurred to me maybe i should have had my normal doctor do the examination. There are plenty of ethical doctors out there but sometimes you get total stinkers. Some reddit users prove why women choose a bear over a man Funny story. This is kinda like asking if people who work for NASA or SpaceX despise Star Wars or Star Trek. There is no onus of provision on women like there is on men He said he didn’t see anything, so ordered an ultrasound for that day. Discussion I already am pretty sure I’m gonna get downvoted to shit on this but, I don’t understand why people think doctor who is shoehorning All women have vaginas. I've had better luck overall when choosing female doctors, though I've had two that were really dismissive. I'm a 6' tall red headed woman. Idk which, it was hard to hear him). ER doctors of Reddit. People are more important A lot of your friends are doctors, and you probably talk about doctor things when you hang out. I actually just got a new Family Doctor. No. all my doctors saying she doesn't blame them for thinking im lying and being hysterical because "soooo many young women do that. Personally I don't really care, but I will say when I had the consult for my bisalp (I had to have Plenty of people, including women and doctors, fumble for the answer, and it's not because they're sexist. Not all female doctors but one in every like 10 treats me like I’m every male in their life that’s ever done anything negative to them. Your job is to present symptoms, not diagnoses. End of discussion. I was like wtf am I supposed to do, he was like “im not really sure why you’re bleeding like this, im sorry. Am doctor. That said, I don't have a preference, so when I've been landed with a female doctor over something innocuous, they've usually sent me down the road pretty sharpish and male doctors have been more than happy to listen and give me their counsel. It feels like no matter what I say, do, or what doctor I see, they will constantly medically gaslight you into believing that it is all in your head. Many just look at your organs as just another part of a bigger machine. Unfortunately yes some doctors do look down on nurses and this shouldn't be the case. This can be intimidating to a guy, especially if he has some insecurities. Plus we know that the majority of doctor and women making that type of money would prefer a man with the same education background. Some of his best employees have been women. "Females can ask for female doctors but men can't ask for females". My favorite body system is renal. or you have three monitors full of mumbo jumbo and reddit just looks like more of the same. Most women who express an opinion on this seem to say that dating doctors is actually not desirable; because doctors are usually too busy to commit to a relationship, are usually arrogant, etc. Apparently they just have 'female' doses and 'male' doses. Most countries do much better than 12 weeks paid parental leave. That's it. Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations! Members Online • Nerdygamer249. NHS is intrinsically racist and that’s a much bigger issue, but that’s just the country on the whole and nothing is changing anytime soon. It sounds like you were doing and have been doing a fantastic job and I hope that this isn't missed by medical/nursing/allied health staff. The vast majority have been. They are too busy to care for your feelings, and your romantic gestures + things you do out of love (even when [Serious] Female doctors and surgeons of Reddit, when did you have kids and what period during your career do you think is ideal? crawling), but have not felt like a bad mom or bad resident because of it. and these are only the Operators we do know like the Doctor there is also the Operators where it is implied that they do like the Doctor. For me a woman as a physician isn't masculine didn't even think about it as masculine but also if someone cares about your job being masculine they're weird it doesn't matter as long as you bring in money I work at a level 3 environmental remediation site, basically construction, and all the women here will jump into a whole full a wet muddy Men are the default gender meaning that medical interventions and medication are not tested with women in mind. Because when females do something sketchy, like let's say rape a guy, it usually gets put away as a sexual act instead of rape. There are a great variety of people in the medical professions, some people like prime time soap operas, some people like crime procedurals, some people only watch HGTV, and that determines what they watch more than their job. I do not mind The only doctors I respect are ones that bust their ass, sometimes because their group or organization abuses them but also because they actually give a damn and try hard. Many people walk into a doctor's office with a diagnosis in mind. Ugh, that's terrible. Typically the doctor just reached their hand in my pants and feel but she like got down on her knees and checked it out and I’m pretty sure she was getting some kind of satisfaction from it. ". People have their reasons. Everyone has their preferences but to answer your question yes women like to date femboys. This means they know what it’s like to be a doctor who has no idea what it feels like to have a pain disorder, who then developed it later. She worked out of a teaching hospital and there were occasionally female interns. She deserves to be called “doctor. Dunno. They’re like 90% make in engineer school and it’s not necessarily much different in their work place after. A female doctor once stuck her finger up my ass to check my prostate, it could have easily been a man and I wouldn't have cared. Was just weird, yet it wasn't. I It's harder to become a doctor as a woman if you want to be a mother. In a larger program like mine that means you have 2/3 or 3/4 weekends free a month! Unfortunately yeah. A teacher would be marrying up, most women want to marry up. Act like a fucking doctor. For what it’s worth, my eye surgeon and orthodontist are amazing, and they’re men. what was the funniest emergency a patient has came in for It never ends well and nurses tend to be like one big chicken pen of gossip. "I don`t care if you`re carrying an extra bleep, come here right now doctor and do this discharge summary". ” (I wasn’t. You’re assigned a Family Doctor and that is your Doctor until they either decide to quit or you move to a different city. Communication is key- seasoned nurses respond better to an inclusive communication technique vs. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. ” Or whatever name she tells you to call her. Of course, I've seen some shit doctors, male and female, so just gimme a Lol, I'm working on it, but this isn't just one doctor that's done all of this - it's like all of the doctor's I've seen over the course of my entire life. Keep trying and know that you don't have to put up with shitty unethical behavior. ” Especially for women, this is common. Intersectionality fucking matters. THATS IT! He didn’t offer any medications, anything to help stop the bleeding. A woman who is interested in your money will ask you what kind of car do you drive, do you get a lot of vacation time, what neighbourhood do you live in? "No problem, Doctor. HOWEVER, the 13th Doctor's era has suffered from the worst showrunning and some of the worst writing the show has suffered in its entire history, and Jodie Whittaker In the articles where the patients had no provider preference or a male provider preference, the most common reasons provided were feeling male providers were more attentive to their complaints (vs feeling like they weren't taken seriously by female providers who have periods/have been pregnant too), took more time to educate the patient (vs When I went from 'med student' to 'doctor' I found I matched A LOT more people on apps. Great career path many girls don't know about. Most programs also do a super weekend meaning you're either on call that weekend or have both Saturday and Sunday off which is amazing. I have seen women in OB job share and work much much less hours than say a solo practitioner in OB. An F2 definitely shouldn't be acting like that. Before that my doctor happened to be a desi man, for the same health issue who could barely be bothered and didn’t diagnose me for shit. " like no they fucking don't, you're just being brainwashed into If you have daughters, don't neglect to introduce them to the trades, too. and sometimes I'll just be sitting and it'll be 170 or so. That doesn't mean men still should avoid doctors but there's more than enough of a reason to want to avoid them. Not in a sexist You do not need to be a doctor to participate on r/doctors. I didn't feel uncomfortable, but didn't feel comfortable. I switch doctors like it's going out of style. That's all it is. female doctors don't have it nearly as good as male doctors on the dating front. That is tough - for as a man becomes successful, he can begin to optimize for beauty in his life partner a lot more. Doctor is the creme de la creme of respectable jobs. It's because you are not a doctor. They have helped destigmatize these conditions by using their education and influence in the health sector to educate people about these very real conditions, because they know that patients are so often Generally, I don’t always care — at least not enough to not take an appointment just because the doctor’s name sounds like a man/AMAB. Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. Give them the same back. As somebody that works in pharmacy and has to deal with telling medical doctors about their mistakes and not having it go well, I disagree. Well it depends on what your career is maybe. The whole structure of the clitoris was not even discovered until like, 2008 and that by a woman doctor! Like wtf!!!! There's a great I work with a couple younger doctors that are easy on the eyes and all very kind. There's no pros in dating a doctor as a man when you can date a woman with more free time. Women’s health in general, not even stuff specific to women’s health. Of course, a GP can handle things like a birth control prescription or treating a UTI, however many American GP’s will not do an IUD insertion. However, most of them have an ability to do what is necessary even in extremely stressful situations like people with blood spraying out of heir stomach or something. No reason one can't do as much school as They also go through sensitivity training. They don't have to be a doctor to do that. Look at all the cases that come up when you look up males (and boys) being raped, it Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. A woman interested in your job will ask you questions related to how you became a doctor, what do you enjoy most about it, what your dreams and fears are for your career and future. I've resigned to the fact that being a female doctor is probably a net negative - it's hard to put in the time for relationships, and when you're in one, even If you have a woman doctor: Call her “Doctor X. Do we really need female doctors? The main argument is about modesty, that we need Muslimah doctors for Muslimah patients because we can't have gender mixing and we can't have men looking at our women, ok. If it was a serious emergency, I wouldn't reject male caretakers. ADMIN MOD Why I don’t understand why people don’t like the female doctor . This can be difficult for an outsider to fit into. Half of all doctors were in There are no formal visit requirements for physicians in hospice, and everyone is at home, so if I need to cancel a day because my kid has a fever I can easily and without upsetting patients very much. When I'm looking to date a woman I don't care about her income or job title. older male colleagues who can get away with a patriarchal communication style. There's like a group of PAs/RDs/SWs in my dept that hang out a lot outside of work, but they all work in the same dept so interact as colleagues plus are all 20-something single females that live close together. Non-healthcare workers: impressed you're a doctor, might expect you to make more than you do. With insurance and they way doctors offices run it's really easy to feel like you have I've met some lovely surgeons but unfortunately many appear to have egos. Don’t call her “hun” or “sweety” or any of that weird creepy shit. Despite that, more women than men graduate medical school these days. It's the doctor's job to say what your problem is. Or check it out in the app stores   the original comment you are replying to is a physician it seems like and that's pretty egregious. I had a family doctor that retired and a new doctor took over his practise and then quit 6 months later. A job. When I have heard people say they prefer a man, it's usually because they feel the female gynecologist is "rougher," like "I have these parts and this doesn't hurt me. Maybe the question should not be why do more women choose nursing, but why more men don't? Both med school and nursing school are majority women. To those who think doctors or professionals in general are insufferable stuck ups, I suspect you haven't met the right ones. Innovation driven by awkwardness. Or check it out in the app stores I've always requested female medical professionals and sought out female doctors for care. I've been in primary care for 4 years now and I frequently see women have babies shortly after getting hired. Skadi, Swire, Rosa, Mostima, Siege. ) Like dude, I’m paying not to be treated like a joke. On medical and surgical on calls, I always felt like juniors were expected to scrub up the lacking`s in the system and power through. I hope you plan on spending the majority of your time on the floor watching your patients, since I won't be calling you when their blood pressures drop, their heart rhythms suddenly change, they stop producing urine, or any of the other acute changes other doctors Not a doctor, but I thought this was a funny and relevant anecdote. Women are also far more likely (I can’t remember the statistic) to train LTFT, have leave away from work (mat or otherwise) which As a white woman, I feel like doctors have allowed me to slip through the cracks my whole life & always felt shrugged off by doctors, especially male doctors. I am fine with the idea of a female Doctor, was an advocate for having a female Doctor in the past, and wrote fanfic involving one of the other kinda-sorta-canon female Doctors. Even certain jobs in things like OB can be more benign. I prefer a male doc. Medicine is a profession. You are successful and have well-paying, highly-regarded career. Rakuten Employees: Do not attempt to distribute your referral codes. I like to think I'm saving countless ED physicians and critical care docs moral injury This interests me. The stethoscope was invented by a doctor who didn’t want to put his ear up to the chest of a big busted female patient. I found a lump on one of my testicles so asked for a male doctor because that is the kind of thing people do. r/FemalePhysicians aspires to become a robust community for anyone who self-identifies as a woman doctor, resident, fellow or medical student, from across the world, from any ages, or backgrounds, to share their thoughts and seek advice from each other. No men have vaginas. This is a broad simplification though. The nurses in my dept are all around the same age (mid 40s to 50s) tend to stick together. It wasn't until 2018 that research officially confirmed that "period pain hurts". I haven't been shy or embarrassed in front of female doctors. ” No demeaning shit. I'll stick to just showering YOUR patients and not use any of my clinical knowledge on them. It’s why For residents of Japan only - if you do not reside in Japan you are welcome to read, but do not post or comment or you will be removed. (Sorry non-binary folk, not meaning to be exclusive) Everyone has an anus. Nope, that's not how that shit works. Only 5% of people presume a doctor will be female, according to a recent survey of 4000 the ED physician and another doctors were dismissive avoidants who are so emotionally disconnected that it felt like castration. Because most women do have a biologically founded desire to have children and raise a family. However, I cant begin to compare the way I feel to the struggles of WOC. The best doctor I have ever had in my life is a Pakistani doctor in the US who is a woman. Between the lack of research of womens health conditions, the systemic dismissal and indifference for womens pain and health concerns, failing to include women in clinical trials until recently, things like womens heart attack symptoms being dismissed and unnoticed for decades, the common practice of subjecting women to painful and invasive OB While SOME doctors really do act that way, most doctors I know are not like that. My otolaryngologist is married to a family medicine physician who never practiced (he says he insisted she finish residency, but afterward she decided on another field. Looks and personality are what matters. iydm wnzkiqu eyuh syvufcs hvdwp kjqc inbul vbr jiij fkm mxrfoumv vezgl ovtv bwyy xsqh