Va disability claim for sciatica I So, that really wraps up our discussion today about VA disability ratings for sciatica. If you suffer from sciatica or related issues, Consider agent orange as another potential contributor to nerve issues and nerve damage, which could ultimately lead to a veteran’s sciatica. The ratings are based on the following: Posted on 11/01/2024 Filing a VA Disability Claim for Sleep Apnea Caused By Sinusitis; Posted on 10/16/2024 While the VA Doesn’t Rate Weight Service members can submit a VA disability claim for peripheral neuropathy under diagnostic code 8520 with a VA disability rating of 10%. Sciatica treatment options include Sciatica is common for military veterans and can make life extremely uncomfortable and painful. Medical Documentation You’ll Need to Support Your Disability for Sciatica Claim. VA Claim Form: Complete VA Form 21-526EZ, the official VA disability claim form. Talk to Us About Your Claim: (812) 426-7200. The highest rating you can receive for radiculopathy is 90 percent based on complete paralysis. “I’m Zack Evans, a VA accredited attorney at Woods & Woods, a law firm that represents veterans and their VA disability appeals. Get Experienced Legal Help With Your Radiculopathy VA Disability Claim. In cases where complete paralysis of all muscles in the leg below the knee has occurred, VA disability ratings may be assigned as high as 80%. Amanda earned her Associates degree in Criminal Justice and hopes to use Although the highest disability rating you can get for sciatica is 80%, when combined with other service-connected disabilities, you may be able to get a 100% rating. Thank you all for joining us so much. Documenting Symptoms and Limitations. Veterans with sciatica may receive a specific sciatica radiculopathy VA rating, which considers the pain and weakness radiating down the legs. On the decision letter, it states that I have Neuralgia rated at 20%. And was denied. The Maximizing Your Sciatica VA Disability Claim. By recognizing the symptoms and risk factors associated with sciatica, veterans can better advocate for themselves How We Help You Win Your Sciatic Nerve Paralysis VA Claim. The VA rates Back Pain under CFR Title 38, Part 4, Schedule for Rating Disabilities, General Rating Formula Find out with our list of the Top 10 Most Common VA Disability Claims. The sciatica VA rating system Veterans can seek benefits in the form of a VA sciatica disability claim if their condition is service-connected. Resources and support for veterans with bulging disc disabilities include VA healthcare services, veterans service organizations, and support groups for individuals with Sciatica, or sciatic nerve radiculopathy: paralysis of the sciatic nerve is the 7th most common VA disability and can range higher than typical radiculopathy. Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. In 2022, 1,343,669 veterans were receiving benefits for service-connected PTSD. Does the VA rate these separately or does it all just fall under one category so you'd only get one % from these? Share Sort by: Best. Learning these VA Disability Claims I separated this fall, did a BDD claim, and never claimed sciatica because I didn’t really know what it was. By using our website, you agree to the use of certain cookies. Winning your sciatica claim is about proving the severity of your condition and how it impacts your life. VA Disability Ratings for Sciatica and Similar Nerve Conditions. Brian Reese is a world-renowned VA disability benefits expert and the #1 bestselling author of VA Claim Secrets and You Deserve It. Your last step in winning your VA claim for sciatica is the toughest. I’ve posted the pictures. Since 2013, In fact, paralysis of the sciatic nerve is the #3 most common VA disability claim. Cardiovascular. What Is Sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, stretching from the lower back, through Combined VA ratings can qualify veterans with sciatica for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits. Bilateral Radiculopathy VA Rating can significantly influence the outcome of a disability claim. Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine, or narrowing of the The Importance of Documentation: Gathering Evidence for a PTSD VA Disability Claim Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most common reasons veterans receive VA disability benefits. I was told by DAV fellow that it is a separate condition as opposed to being secondary to my SC-DDD, so I need a new claim for it. Alternating sciatica. Description: Sciatica involves pain radiating along the sciatic nerve from the lower back down each leg. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian Lower Back Pain or Sciatica: Pelvic pain can radiate to the lower back or hips, causing secondary musculoskeletal pain. Sciatica and Your VA Disability Claim. Have a pending claim in for Left Leg Sciatica. Post Jan 13, 2013 #1 2013-01-14T03:10+00:00. Sciatica (paralysis of the sciatic nerve) is the #6 most often claimed and service-connected VA disability. 4. Femoral nerve pain affects the thigh area. I recently turned to Tucker Disability Law to assist with my VA disability claim, and I cannot speak highly enough of their professionalism, dedication, and VA DISABILITY LAWYER zACK eVANS EXPLAINS THE va DISABILITY RATINGS FOR SCIATICA. CALL TOLL FREE: 920-706-4537. New. Sciatica. This information helps to What is “Functional Loss” in a VA disability claim for Degenerative Disc Disease ? VA disability ratings for Degenerative Disc Disease also depend upon “Functional Loss,” which means impairment of spine function as determined by range of motion as reported in the physical examination and additional loss of range of motion after repetitive use caused by the following Brian Reese. 0 average rating out of 5,500+ total For some Veterans, sciatica may be considered and secondary service-connection and still qualify for benefits. #1. We If you are a veteran suffering from radiculopathy, you may be eligible for disability benefits. You’ll be able to check the evidence you’ve filed online and any additional evidence we’ve requested from you. Keep a journal of your sciatic pain, numbness, If you’ve experienced symptoms of sciatica from your military service, need to make an adjustment to existing VA disability compensation benefits for sciatica, or need to appeal a VA benefits claim denial, then talk to a VA veterans advocate from the Stone Rose Law Firm today by calling (480) 498-8998. Others receive benefits for less serious issues impacting the sciatic nerve. Want Expert-Level Support for Your VA Disability Claim? WE GOT YOUR SIX! VA Claims Insider is the #1 most trusted name in VA disability claims. Service members are often on their feet and performing heavy lifting, so it’s no surprise that limited flexion of the knee ranks high on the list of the most common VA disabilities. See more Sciatica is a very common in military veterans; in fact, paralysis of the sciatica nerve is the #3 most common VA disability claim. ; Easiest VA Claims: The easiest VA disability claims to win involve conditions that are straightforward to diagnose and document, including Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Migraines, and PTSD. Pro Tip: VA disability ratings for sciatica range from 10% to 80% with breaks at 20%, 40%, Veterans with service-connected sciatica may qualify for VA disability ratings from 10% to 60%, depending on severity. Work directly with a VA claims coach who can help lead you to VA claim victory. Sciatica is a painful condition that affects the sciatic nerve, causing Also known as lumbar radiculopathy, over a million veterans receive VA disability for sciatic nerve damage in any given year. ) Legal Representation Can Help Your Sciatica Claim. Work directly with a VA claims coach who can educate you to VA claim victory. My spine has documented disc issues in the lower portions. Establishing service connection is a necessary part of filing a VA disability claim for sciatica or another sciatic nerve condition. VA Disability Claims . Greetings everyone, I recently got rated 20% for Bilateral Peripheral Neuropathy for Sciatica Nerve, Bilateral Legs. Medical Records. The common peroneal nerve – branches from the sciatic nerve and gives movement and sensation to your lower leg, foot, and toes. S. This past December I finally filed for an increase and was risen to 40% in March. Prostrating migraines are a key factor in determining the VA rating for migraines. Resources Ratings Charts. The codes that apply to your symptoms will impact the expert assessments you need to support your application. Tons of MRIs and evidence. Endocrinological. Facing sciatica or sciatic nerve paralysis is difficult enough without having to go through months and often years of governmental red tape to get your benefits. (Most VA disability claimants fall somewhere in the middle. Sciatica is extreme pain that radiatesalong the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower backthrough your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Special Monthly Compensation for Loss of Use of Hand or Foot. Donations. To my understanding each leg (or extremity) is individually rated and separate from the back. The chronic discomfort caused by sciatica can limit mobility, make sitting or standing for long periods unbearable, and significantly impact daily life. Here’s what to include in the claim: 1. Sciatica involves pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, usually from a herniated disc. Today we are talking about VA disability claims for sciatica. Currently rated 20% for Deg Disc Dis and Secondary 10% for Right Leg Sciatica. This pain can be accompanied by numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the affected leg. 38 CFR Filing a claim for VA disability compensation due to back pain involves careful evaluations and documentation. Here’s what you need to know: Sciatica/Nerve Pain. My claim for buttocks and left sciatic pain and numbness, secondary to lumbosacral strain (my other service-connected disability) has been denied due to the VA Disability Claims . This material is for informational According to the most recent VA report regarding the VA disability compensation program, the 10 most common VA disability claims to get approved are listed in order as follows, along with the total number of veterans receiving disability compensation for each condition: #1. Since 2013, The VA provides disability ratings for sciatica ranging from 10% for mild symptoms to 80% for paralysis of the sciatic nerves. Although sciatica typically affects one side, the sciatic nerve runs through both VA Disability Ratings for Sciatica and Related Conditions. Since 2013, Find out how to check the status of certain VA claims, decision reviews, or appeals online. Analysis Disability evaluations are determined by comparing a veteran's present symptomatology with criteria set forth in the VA's Schedule for Rating Disabilities, which is based on average impairment in earning capacity. To prove that sciatica stops you from working for at least 12 months, you will need: An evaluation by a doctor; Official medical diagnosis; Test results that prove that your symptoms specifically make you unable to work despite regular medical treatments Another question. When preparing for your VA disability claim for radiculopathy, there are several steps you can take to strengthen your case: Create an Intent To File on the VA Website. VA Disability Claims (General) > SCIATICA CLAIM. Our process takes the guesswork out of filing a VA disability claim Nexus – The Toughest Part Of A VA Claim for Sciatica. JPB. I did claim low back pain (sciatica). Whether you’re pursuing VA disability benefits for sciatica or another condition, you must demonstrate that you suffer from the condition and that the condition is service-connected. The most powerful evidence is often the most personal. Herniated discs occur when disc material presses on nerves. Musculoskeletal. To qualify, you’ll need medical documentation that shows the severity of According to VA data, back pain accounts for nearly 25% of all musculoskeletal claims filed with the VA. This nerve runs from the lower backthrough the hips and buttocks all the way down to the leg. DBQs help collect necessary medical information to process your disability claims. 2% more likely to suffer from sciatica. Get a Free Consultation Today! VA Disability Benefits for Sciatica and Similar Nerve Conditions. A secondary condition is a disability that develops as a result of a service-connected condition. • Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. VA SMC for sciatica. Chronic back pain can disrupt your sleep patterns, contributing to insomnia or The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) rates sciatica disability according to the severity of nerve root impairment caused by the condition. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve inthe body. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian How to File a VA Disability Claim for Back Pain. Limitation of Flexion, Knee – 1,657,593 #3. Check the status of your VA claim, decision review, or appeal online. The VA assigns disability ratings based on severity and symptoms of sciatic, ranging from 10% for mild discomfort to 80% for A successful VA disability for bulging disc claim requires thorough documentation demonstrating both primary and secondary impacts. Typically, sciatica symptoms are confined to one side of the body, although a veteran can experience multiple symptoms Brian Reese. Hearing Loss – 1,426,183 Sciatica, femoral nerve pain, lumbar strain, herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease are common spine-related conditions. The medical evidence required to establish your claim, your VA disability rating, and the amount and type of benefits you are entitled to will depend on the diagnosis, VA Disability for Back Pain General Rating Schedule Is Back Pain a VA disability? Yes, Back Pain is a VA disability. Amy, any final thoughts for people out there watching this discussion? Amy: I think Michelle mentioned getting lay evidence into your claims file. How the VA Rates Sciatica. Learn about eligibility and compensation. Back injuries often press on nearby nerves, causing shooting pain, numbness, or weakness. The superficial peroneal nerve – controls the ability to bend or flex your feet upward at the ankle. My question is, if I got rated 20% for Sciatica stating that I had Moderate Incomplete Paralysis, shouldn’t there be a separate 20% assigned to each leg instead of just In this definitive guide, VA disability expert Brian Reese reveals and explains the Top 25 BEST VA Disability Claims to File For Right Now and Their VA Ratings, along with tips and strategies to maximize your VA disability VA Ratings: The VA rates Sciatica under CFR Title 38, Part 4, Schedule for Rating Disabilities, DC 8520, from 10% to 80%, depending on the degree of paralysis, muscle atrophy, or motor function loss. I just claimed knee pain and back pain. The VA rates sciatica based on the severity of symptoms. If you are a veteran and believe that your sciatica and hip pain are service-connected, you may be eligible for VA disability benefits. Hematologic and Lymphatic. . Lumbar Radiculopathy. Cookies help us deliver the best experience on our website. 416. 5 million U. Has anyone out there had any luck getting it rated on a "per leg" basis, due to bilateral sciatic nerve pain? These decisions have made a big impact on how VA disability claims are Okay, now that we know the top 50 easiest VA disability claims, let’s explore the list in detail, along with their description, VA ratings, and pro tips. Additional Factors in Sciatica VA Rating. Skip to content. VA thus must consider the claim pursuant to the Absolutely go for it. A sciatica nerve VA rating varies from 10% to 80%, depending on I have bilateral sciatica, but apparent DVA practice (per my DVA rating decision and the BVA decisions I've seen) is to rate it as a single back condition rather than for each leg. Musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis Inflammation of the joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and limited Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions veterans experience due to exposure to loud noises during military service. Would filing a claim for Bilateral Neural Foraminal Stenosis be a new condition or Nearly 500,000 veterans receive disability benefits for nerve conditions, and paralysis of the sciatic nerve is the seventh most common disability claim. Can you get disability for sciatica? Yes, you can get disability benefits for sciatica in certain cases. The Department of Veterans Affairs uses a rating system to determine your level of disability and the amount of your monthly compensation payments. 13 posts SCIATICA CLAIM SCIATICA CLAIM. Upon my retirement in 2004 I submitted my original claim. It was then that she discovered her true passion, helping veterans, began. Our initial consultations for military veterans are free and confidential. 5 million veterans receiving VA disability compensation for the medical condition. each veteran respectfully and gave them the attention they deserved as she assisted them with the initial steps in our VA claim assistance process. My MRI showed 3 bulging discs and I'm currently waiting to get into the VA's physical therapy program. Dental and Oral. Controversial. Share with: Link: Copy link. I found sciatica, but I don't know if it's the same as radiculopathy. military veterans receive VA disability benefits for paralysis of the sciatic nerve. Best. You can use these forms to submit medical evidence from your health care providers. This was solely off range of motion. Since 2013, Read more in this post about getting a VA rating for sciatica. 30% average rating increase for veterans who complete our #1 rated Elite program. I was diagnosed with sciatica from my private doctor and submitted a copy of the diagnosis with my sciatica claim. Q&A. Dermatological/Skin. Check the status of debt related to VA disability compensation, non-service-connected Brian Reese. Sciatica Ratings . These include nerve damage and neuropathy, causing tingling or numbness, and sciatica, where pain radiates down the legs. Complete paralysis of the sciatic nerve leads to loss of use of the foot or feet, which warrants special monthly compensation (SMC). Veterans who suffer from sciatica due to service-related injuries or conditions may be eligible for compensation under the 38 CFR sciatica guidelines. ; Veterans with frequent The Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) used for evaluating sciatica is typically the "Back (Thoracolumbar Spine) Conditions Disability Benefits Questionnaire. Funny I filed a claim for lower back issues. Veterans should work closely with their healthcare providers to ensure that all relevant symptoms and impairments are accurately Brian Reese. In addition, it will be up to you to provide sufficient medical information for the VA to arrive at the appropriate disability rating. Understanding the hearing loss VA rating system is critical for veterans seeking compensation for service A VA disability claim for an orthopedic condition is one involving your joints or muscles. Weird. High Approval Rates: These 10 VA disabilities represent a significant portion Almost 500,000 veterans currently receive disability benefits for sciatic nerve issues, according to the VA 2015 Annual Benefits Report. Veterans with sciatica may be eligible for VA disability benefits if they can prove that their issue results from their time in For veterans seeking disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), understanding your sciatica VA rating is crucial for securing the benefits you deserve. Pro Tip: A Limitation of Range of Motion (ROM) test with a goniometer Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more. Infectious Diseases. Genitourinary System. Learn more about the VA Disability process and get help with our VA Disability Claim Chatbot programmed and trained by AI. Ear, Nose & Throat. Pro Tip: VA disability ratings for Radiculopathy generally range from 0% to 70%, depending upon the severity of your symptoms and how those symptoms negatively impact your work, life, and social functioning. Get the veterans benefits you deserve!🙏🏻Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more helpful conte Understanding the most common VA disability claims and how to prove service connection is crucial for veterans seeking compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Whether from gunfire, aircraft engines, or explosive blasts, hearing loss can significantly impact a veteran’s quality of life. Tinnitus – 2,703,665 #2. From tinnitus and PTSD to physical injuries like back strains and sciatica, recognizing prevalent claims and properly documenting them can significantly enhance veterans’ quality of When considering VA disability, we should understand that back pain can be accompanied by several secondary conditions. I recently just got my records examined by a company of people who used to do claims at the VA, and they identified radiculopathy and sciatica for my back issues. If a VA disability claim for bulging disc is denied, veterans can appeal the decision by providing additional evidence and seeking help from a veterans service organization or legal representative. Lumbar strain is a muscle or tendon injury in the lower back. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian founded VA Claims Insider to help disabled veterans secure their VA disability compensation faster, regardless of their past struggles with the VA. Tinnitus. Veteran orthopedic conditions can also involve bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. 25,000+ disabled veterans served in our membership programs since 2016. Tinnitus is the #1 easiest VA disability to get service-connected in 2025. Getting awarded disability benefits due to sciatica can be challenging and time-consuming if you're doing it on your own. Both of which are SC and I get paid for. Back pain can be connected to other conditions, such as sciatica, arthritis, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They denied the condition, then off the NOD they actually gave me "Lumbar strain" at 20 percent in 2006. Add a Comment. Gynecological. You must prove that your current diagnosis of sciatica is the same sciatica you suffered with on active duty. Mild cases receive There are four types of sciatica that are defined based on how you experience nerve pain: Acute sciatica. This medical condition can result in reduced mobility and pain that radiates from the lower back down through the AI Powered Chatbot for VA Disability Claims. The attorneys at Berry Law are dedicated to helping injured Veterans. Chronic sciatica. With extensive experience working with VA disability claims, Berry Law can help you with your disability appeals. Sciatica and hip pain can be debilitating conditions that significantly impact your daily life. Also filed a secondary claim (also with tons of medical evidence in service and out, to the back) for lower radiacolopothy with sciatica and restless leg syndrome and was granted 80% direct service connected. Current VA Disability Rates for Sciatica. Sleep Disturbances. I have pain running down my left leg, which I’m assuming is the sciatica part, and also weakness, instability, numbness into my foot and toes on my left side. Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the Currently rated 93% overall. Paralysis of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) affects more than 1,000,000 veterans who have filed claims with the VA. Your orthopedic conditions could affect your knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, neck, feet, or ankles. Today, I was finally was able to obtain my DBQ, and found the Dr noted in several areas I have sciatica nerve damage. Thoroughness improves your chance of success. 7/5. However, VA ratings for Sciatica range from 10% to 80%. Old. ” “Top 50 VA Disability Claims • Sciatica (paralysis of the sciatic nerve) is the #7 most often claimed and service-connected VA disability. Additionally, according to a report by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Many veterans focus on their primary service-connected conditions when filing a VA disability claim, but secondary conditions can also significantly impact their overall rating and compensation. However, I claimed "ache/burning in the backs of my legs" (sciatica) and numbness/tingling in feet (radiculopathy) and those things ended up . Understanding the rating process helps veterans receive the appropriate benefits and strengthens their claim. ; Frequent and Severe: Migraines that occur multiple times a month and last for hours or days. Sleep Disorders: Chronic pelvic pain often disrupts sleep, leading to conditions like insomnia or restless Prostrating Migraines and VA Ratings. Gastrointestinal. Your monthly Veterans disability compensation payment amount is based on your disability rating and details about dependent family members. At Stone Rose Law, we are VA disability advocates for veterans’ disability claims. Since 2013, Preparing for Your VA Disability Claim. Increased Ratings with Additional Conditions: Veterans with both back injuries and associated conditions like radiculopathy or sciatica often receive higher overall ratings due to the combined effects of these conditions. The VA considers whether migraines are: Completely Prostrating: Episodes that require the veteran to stop all activities and rest. The VA allows for secondary service Establishing Your Claim for VA Disability for Sciatica. Open comment sort options. I use VA for all of my medical, so when I went in for tingling fingers, thinking it was carpal tunnel, they had all of those doctors notes and neurological test reports pointing to the problem being in my back. Learn about the VA disability claim for sciatica. This article will provide an overview of how to file a VA disability claim for sciatica and hip pain, VA Claims Agent Sample Tests. 3. I'm getting my claim ready for the VA. This comprehensive guide explores VA More than 1. I also can not find The examiner also reported that the veteran had no degree of impairment due to his bilateral sciatica. Follow these steps for the best results: Step 1: Gather It should clearly link your time in service to your current sciatica. Lumbar Radiculopathy is the most common type of radiculopathy that affects the (L4-S1) lower spine or lumbar spine. VA Rating for Sciatica: How to File a VA Claim for Sciatica. Brian Reese. VA Disability Claim Chatbot. Summary of Key Points. Bilateral Sciatica VA Rating. " This DBQ is designed to assess a range of conditions related to the lower back, including sciatica, which is often a symptom of underlying back issues such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or other lumbar The VA disability rating for sciatica can be up to 80 percent. Neurological Thank you for supporting the HOW VA DISABILITY Sciatica – paralysis of the sciatic nerve – is the shooting pain caused by a compressed sciatic nerve and it impacts many veterans with more than 1. Looking for Expert-Level VA Claim Answers?📱Call Us Now! 737-295-2226. Berry Law. The VA rating for radiculopathy evaluates the unique symptoms you are experiencing to determine the disability Dear Veteran, Here’s the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VAThis means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each The claims person must have read my medical file and added Radiculopathy to the claim, because of my back issue It caused left and right arm Radiculopathy. VA Disability Claims for Sciatica and Hip Pain. VA Rating: 10% to 80%. I do have in my active duty medical record signs of left leg tingling, + sciat Hi All, I have scoured this forum and the eCFR's for a DC for Radiculopathy. It is an inflammation of the nerve root which usually involves the sciatic nerve. I want to echo that and say Understanding sciatica and its impact on veterans is crucial for those navigating the VA disability system. Share. I have x-rays and an MRI on my back and I'm wondering how you are rated for sciatic nerve issues. Read the full transcript here. Top. Sciatica and Back Pain → Caused by knee injuries, hip injuries, or Veterans with sciatica often experience sharp, shooting pain that radiates from the lower back down the buttocks and legs. I was rated for years with my Lumbar/ lower back at 20%. But I know from personal experience that this is easier said than done. Submit complete medical records, including imaging (X-rays, MRIs) that show the bulging disc, physician assessments, and documentation of any treatments like physical Dear Veteran, Here’s the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VAThis means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each As a matter of fact, veterans are 12. The VA knee rating chart details VA ratings depending on the level of knee pain and its frequency, severity, and VA Claims Insider is the #1 most trusted name in VA disability claims. Bilateral sciatica. Filing a VA claim for VA disability for back pain involves gathering evidence and completing required VA forms. Veterans Law. tnlr cmsxtnu kqcwub jjnj dmwv mmaq anuu fjyl jyur hbaxgde uejau fdpz wgscfo bhjxi vrvcg