Yugo sks failure to eject. A local guy has a Yugo SKS he is possibly willing to trade.
Yugo sks failure to eject I have a sks i wanted to convert to mags that wouldnt rust. Add to Compare. The only trouble I had with my Yugo SKS was when I didn't attach the magazine properly and when I did Cartridge stuck in chamber, failure to extract. This gun is One of my two Yugo SKS rifles has been giving me some problems. Be the first to review this product . It is also missing the front sights and knife . The yugo m59/66 throws them to like the 1-2 position and like 20 feet away. I took my Yugo to the range for the first time today. The third AK (another semi-auto RPK) was built on a Vulcan Arms stamped receiver and the ejector was made from steel that was too soft. 3K views 16 replies 8 participants last post by SVORay Jan 9, 2008 this is a known problem for 59/66 yugo sks's. I just got my first one the other day. I’ll send the bolt home and when I fire it seems like the bolt doesn’t go far back enough to eject the spent casing or reload the next round. I will be sure to check the gas block button when we are shooting +1 on the survivor's sks boardsgood stuff there. If your SKS is a Yugoslavian 59/66 model, it more than likely a gas via YouTube Capture The Yugo M59/66 SKS rifle probably give more trouble than any of the SKS rifle as far as FTE's fired rds. Author Topic: sks stovepiping and failure to eject in tapco stock (Read 9695 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. They are the ones that come with the m67 ammo in So I got a used sks and when I shoot it, the gun doesn’t even try to eject the round, the bolt just gets stuck and takes a rubber hammer to get it back, and yes the gas switch is flipped all the way to the right, I ordered a new gas valve, gas valve button spring and gas valve button from CNCWARRIOR, how long do they take to ship? So i was recently gifted an SKS and took it to the range last week to get it sighted in and such and ran into a bit of an issue. I cleaned the gas system and changed out the gas valve, but that didn’t help. The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, After shooting my Chinese and Yugo SKSs, I always cleaned ALL the rifles' moving parts with brake cleaner, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I made a post the other day about my SKS not cycling. I believe that I may have solved my prior ejection problem with this particular SKS, by replacing the old gas valve with a new one, but occasionally, somewhere between 30 and 40 rounds on average, the Yugo won't properly feed the Author Topic: Chinese SKS: Failure to eject / sticking cases (Read 4691 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Love my yugo sks. Try differ brands of ammo,my Yugo would eject anything I ran through it but Wolf. Commonly caused by bad/worn piston in the I am considering trading my 91/38 for one. Skip SKS bolt sticks,won't eject! I bought a norincoSK at the last gunshow,what a lemon It loads and fires a round just fine but sticks and it takes quit a bit of oomph to get the bolt to move rearward to get the empty case out!Any advice or comments? Today I took my Norinco stock SKS out to the range and I ran into some problems that maybe you guys can help me resolve. Pavel_J. 00. I have a Yugo SKS that jams periodically. When I fire the gun, it ejects the first round and stove pipes the second loaded round (or jams against the barrel face as shown in the photo), the third round is partially chambered. It, like so many rifles based on the tapered 7. Feb 20, 2012 103 1 34 SE if all else fail buy another SKS, they are cheap enough. round I had a major problem. Use a tough dental pick About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About 80% of the time, the rifle fired but the shell did not eject. Make sure the gas valve selector switch is all the way over to the right for semi-auto shooting,straight up is for single shot and grenade launching. I shortened the I have a yugo sks that is having an extraction problem. It used to have ejection problems as well, but I fixed that with a new gas valve. keith. 005-6 thousandths at a time until you get a good consistent minimum ejection of 6 I shot one round and no extract or ejection. B. Trigger pulling but doesn't "click" let alone fire! Well I got a used sks yugo m59/66 with a launcher on the end. I have a ton of 125gr FMJ to load up and I had some IMR4227 without a use and there was load data available so I gave it a go. My other Yugo SKS never jams. « Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 03:55:46 PM by This community covers topics about the various SKS rifle variants available to sports men and women around the Yugo SKS Failure to Feed Issues. The My Yugo SKS shoots the same with Wolf, but tightens to about three inches with Russian Ulyanovsk white box ammo, and as tight as two inches with the old German ammo that's so hard to find now. Big_Rig_416 Sergeant. It was occasionally enough to almost eject a case. cycle eject extract sks B. Member . Draksia. It's magazine is tight as a drum. Since it was under warrantee the builder replaced the gun as it needed a new receiver. When firing the rifle, the bolt carrier group wouldn't cycle back, eject Will it eject if you manually cycle the bolt? When I first got my Yugo to the range it shot fine for the first couple rounds and then started having stovepipes - partial failures to eject, then complete failures - you could see the bolt moving a little bit but not nearly enough to cycle. The inexpensive unissued Yugo SKS rifles for sale from Samco and Lew Horton are a but like I said since then I have ran boxes through it and it has fed and eject 10 shells nicely. Rocketvapor. All work well. My gun habit has increased t0 two a week--I'm sick! Fortunately, I have been able to feed the beast cheap, cheap mil-surps lately. Reply reply I've had one failure to eject on my Chinese sks, but it's the easiest failure on the planet to overcome so A fouled gas piston or gas tube will do nothing more than cause a failure to eject. Hi all, i took my Yugo SKS out today for first time since i bought it, it fired but it would not eject the spent casing, i tried three different kinds of ammo-still no avail. they make great 20 round mags that feed with no problems. Makes no difference. jayarg98 • Yugo SKS Failure to Feed Issues. I bought one of the Yugo SKS rifles earlier this week. this replacement gas valve should fix your problem. Its a yugo M59 SKS. Board Supporter; SKS Guru; Posts: 14984; awarded title of SIR ARSE; Re: sks stovepiping and failure to eject in tapco stock I picked up a Yugo SKS last week from another forum member. Save Share Reply Quote Like. 2 rounds will load and eject fine. When I load it with 1 round or more and fire it, it shoots great, but bolt sticks (only when I fire, when I just pull the bolt back and forth it moves fine), fails to eject, and to get it to eject the spent round I have to wait a while and it moves normal or bang the bolt hard to open Last year I read in the SKS forum how someone had the same problems and when he cleaned his rifle it functioned flawlessly. There isn't enough powder for the Yugo's bolt to slide fully to the rear. It looks as if the casing neck is getting stuck. Then I put the 10 round back IF I'm right, and the extraction and ejection happen fine when worked by handthen one of two things is happening when fired to cause it to fail to eject. I replaced the gas valve, verified things were clean and gas port clear. So I bought a gas replacement valve and the same exact thing happens. We are going to take his sks back out tonight after a very in-depth cleaning session last night and see what happens. Very well put together guns. I wasn't too worried about it, figuring it just needed a good chamber cleaning like so many SKS's do. 62x39 to run in a Yugo SKS. I was getting stove piping on most rounds and sometimes it wouldn't even get there- would have to pull the bolt open to grab the spent casing after firing. So I bought a Yugo SKS cleaned out the cosomline and it failed to eject and it was hard to pull the bolt back to eject the round manually . Hi i have a yugo m59/66 that will fire 20-40 rounds fine and then will catch a spent casing between the bolt carrier and the receiver Yugo SKS m59/66 ejection problems Thread starter HackOrDie; Start date Sep 6, 2012; H. Cleaned it up, did the cosmo dance and took 'er to the range. The magazine is slightly loose fitting and it jiggles a little bit from side to side. Full Member. Re: Yugo won't eject? « Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 03:11:19 PM » First thing to look at is the chamber- looking at your pic blown up it looks like it could use a good cleaning- residue from cosmoline and lacquer from previous ammo (especially combined with any gas system issues) can "glue" the spent case in tight sks wont eject shells The Smithy : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > The Smithy: sks wont eject shells User Name It was some German training ammo w/the Plastic projectile. Clean the port coming out of the gas valve, and clean the gas block. Joined Mar My 59/66 was having feeding/ejection problems. some need this replacement valve,some dont. I’ve been having issues with my Yugo stove piping live rounds (rounds in pics are dummies). I bought a thou' of Wolf and went to the range this morning. About the 10th. It's a simple fix, or so I hear. V. no failure to feed, no eject malfunctions, nothing. The gas system on the Yugo SKS is known to have problems. I took it to the range today. I have experienced this problem with my Yugo as well, my problem was a gas leak. Author Topic: Yugo SKS First Round Won't Eject? (Read 3796 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. A local guy has a Yugo SKS he is possibly willing to trade. Its s 59/66 with a synthetic duganov stock. IT shoots nice but wont shoot semi auto and whats the point of having a semi auto to only be shooting it single shot. I gave it (another) thorough Yugo M59/66 Problems Hey guys, I got this SKS like a year ago and have never been able to get it to work. Not how to fix it. Pretty accurate shooter and in far better than average shape. There could be built up carbon that needs to be chipped off. Same ammo same day. One of my buddies is having problems with his yugo sks, it fails to feed stovepiping before it chambers. The ejector engagement area was literally worn away after only one 30 round mag and the rounds just wouldn't eject. For myself, an SKS in the condition you describe sounds more like very good-to-excellent, and from what I've seen around in the way of Yugo M59/66's that's very likely what it is. Fix Yugo Gas System Fix When I took the 10 round out and tried to use the 30s, both plastic and metal, gave me failure to feed problems. Tula 122gr FMJ ) If your going for an aftermarket stock set up i would go with tapco. This community covers topics about the various SKS rifle variants available to sports men and women around the Hey guys new to the forum and to sks's. Please contact us with any questions. I think the best route would be to sell my 91/38 on gunbroker then look for a Sks Ejection Problems. If your SKS is a Yugoslavian 59/66 model, it more than likely a gas leak at the gas block. I than switched out to Wolf Military Classic. Qty. Seems like the ramp didn't line up. Add to Cart. Now I brought it home and it wouldn't fire Semi Auto and yes I pushed the button switch in the right direction. Only thing I have noticed is i have the Yugo SKS, and have had 0 problems with it. We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page I have 3 as the other person has said who knows where. The SKS, type 45 or 56 does not fire from an open bolt. I recently acquired a Yugo SKS and I am experiencing 1-2 failures to feed with every magazine where the round nose dives into the lower corner of the receiver and misses the chamber completely, Retract the bolt to eject the round and repeat till you have created the same issue. HackOrDie. you can also buy 5 round, 10 round, and 15 round mags as well. It is the part with the switch for the grenade launcher,it shouldnt matter that you dont have the launcher installed anymore. 1. Issue with Yugo SKS failure to feed. The bolt would fail to fully cycle and either jam with a casing in the raceway or the cartridge would get stuck. Some casings eject 6 feet away, some only eject 6 inches, and some get caught in the action, fail to eject and cause a jam. Well, here's the problem - when fired, the action will cycle but won't eject the spent shell. 2118 posts · Joined 2010 Add to quote; Only show Author Topic: failure to eject problem (Read 1314 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. The Bxn stripper clips are the best a close second are the yugo clips. 4) Aftermarket recoil buffers have been attributed to recoil issues. 3 rounds is where I have consistent problems feeding. But it works. Chinese SKS with 30RD USA Magazine The SKS was never designed to take a detachable magazine, Buy a case of Yugo M67 and get shooting. You might want to ask the counter guy if you can remove the receiver cover to get the bolt, carrier and spring out of the way for a good long look down the bore and into the chamber. The gun fed the first few rounds and then began failing to extract. I have cleaned the chamber with a chamber brush attached to a drill. I recently purchased a Yugo SKS, right off the bat it had cycling issues. My problem is that, when I fire it, the bolt travels backwards about 2/3rds of the distance it needs to eject the cartridge. Join Different failure and situation, but there was someone who had a failure to extract a live round on an SKS. (in case anyone is wondering, factory rounds The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Art of the Rifle: General: Yugo SKS M59/66 Q's I bought a Yugo SKS back in December of 2012 from a local gun store in NY. With Remington/UMC and Winchester commercial ammo, I have gotten as tight as 1. The article you cited doesn’t provide an all-encompassing production number of every Yugo SKS made. The Chinese throws it back every time at like 4 and maybe 10 feet. The shell is stuck in the chamber, and the charge handle is stuck in the forward position. The SKS is a homely brute, and many of its simple mechanisms are largely outdated by today s weapons standards. I was shooting Wolf hallow points and getting frequent light primer strikes. Also There Is A Round In The Pipe. Before I shortened it I was firing so so with bulk ammo and fired pretty well with Tula ammo. Several months ago there was a post here about some Yugo 59/66 SKS's for sale at a local pawn shop and I picked one up. I'd recommend leaving it stock, don't mess with Took this Yugo out last week to get some trigger time. I Discussion Yugo SKS ejection prob Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 I'm looking for a good powder choice for 7. I don't think I should have to memorize it though, the tooltip 100% did not tell me the shift + T. I had to tap the bolt handle againest a post to eject the spent round. It only shoots one shot off and does not eject the shot shell and take a new one. SKS Newbie; Posts: 49; failure to eject problem « on: June 12, 2007, 10:25:11 AM » Hi All I recently got a yugo SKS and after cleaning it the first trip to the range resulted in no shells be ejected. I was very pleased with the accuracy of the gun but I had 4 or 5 jams after only 30 shots. Haven't seen this problem personally, The term stove pipe refers to an ejection problem where the fired case fails to eject completely, Hi all, i took my Yugo SKS out today for first time since i bought it, it fired but it would not eject the spent casing, i tried three different kinds of ammo-still no avail. You can unsubscribe any time at the bottom of the newsletter. Wolf 123gr FMJ B. 62 x 39 round, catches the cartridges that its two-piece bolt strips out of that fixed, ten-shot magazine with great ease. i tried both sides of the grenade launcher valve ,it still would not eject the spent casing. But I completely cleaned the SKS free of all and I mean all carbon and the inside looked great. SKS Newbie; Posts: 26; Re: Chinese SKS: Failure to eject / sticking cases « Reply #15 on: September 25, 2022, 06:35:21 PM My Yugo SKS had exactly this problem when I first acquired it. 19K subscribers in the SKS community. com/product/yugo-sks-stainless-steel-gas-valve/ Is it possible theirs an It sounds like the bolt carrier isn't getting enough rearward velocity and that's almost always caused by a gas system problem. Yugo SKS cycles fine when shot, but I must use extreme force to manually eject round from chamber by pulling. Shot 20+ rounds of the Monarch with no problems whatsoever. So yes, the OP is correct in drilling out the gas port . After 10 or so rounds of this, I decided to feed it some of my Monarch lacquer-coated ammo and it ran through that flawlessly. I tried the paper clip trick and it helped- about 75% of rounds would eject and about 25% would stovepipe. I tried switching the gas valve around, safety on and safety off, etc, everything, but I still cant get the charging handle back. Mine didnt ,I have seen a few of these guns that wouldnt function,but were in perfect condition. SKS Durning my last range session I loaded some Yugoslavian, brass cased, ammo I bought from J&G which it Okay I will try to remember in the future. Went to lock the bolt back, bolt handle slipped, started to feed the next round, tip of the round hit the primer of the one in the chamber, detonated it, and a piece of the steel case went into is abdomen and hit an artery and he died. It shot, but wasn't enough umpfh to cycle the bolt and chamber the next round. Loose gas tube to gas valve? Hi all, i took my Yugo SKS out today for first time since i bought it, it fired but it would not eject the spent casing, i tried three different kinds of ammo-still no avail. Out of the 40 rds I shot about 5 failed to eject, the rifle would When I load it with 1 round or more and fire it, it shoots great, but bolt sticks (only when I fire, when I just pull the bolt back and forth it moves fine), fails to eject, and to get it to If you suspect that you have a leaky gas valve you can make a temporary gasket from a paper clip and try it with the ammo that fails to eject. Feb 20, 2012 103 1 34 AK And SKS Collector Discussion Board. Both Yugos have the fixed box 10 round magazines. It was very difficult to pull the bolt back and manually eject the case. First: The gas Your gas valve could be leaking it is common with yugo sks replace it with these: https://murraysguns. Anyway the new magazine fit into gun and locked great with no modification to wood stock; however, i am getting a fair amount of failure to feed. Just to examine with L and that there was a failure to eject. Minuteman. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Skip to the end of the images gallery . It doesn't have a problem feeding some ammo--it has a problem feeding ALL ammo. I took a slow-motion video and found out that the bolt does move but not enough to fully eject I picked up a sks cheap and when I took it to the range it would not eject the spent round. cheers. Everything was clean, unobstructed and properly installed. I use corrosive ammo :( If anyone can help as to why this is happening, evertime I shoot a round it gets stuck like this. It fires them reliably and slings out the empties like an outraged What to expect: We will typically send a newsletter out once a week. Before he sold it to me he stated that it had issues feeding some ammo. SKS Marksman; Posts: 118; Yugo SKS First Round Won't Eject? « on: April 22, 2008, 02:37:56 PM SKS failure to eject. Both Yugos have the fixed box 10 round Hi all, i took my Yugo SKS out today for first time since i bought it, it fired but it would not eject the spent casing, i tried three different kinds of ammo-still no avail. Jump to Latest Anybody Out There Have A Yugo Sks With Tapco Furntiture? My Casing Do Not Seem To Eject And Get Caught In The Bolt Half Way Out. Yugo SKS Extractor . I picked tapco 20round since it had the best reviews. this is just showing one of the ways to fix a yugo sks. Run the carbon scraper in the port a few My Brother has a Yugo 59/66 SKS with ejecting and feeding problems ! The gas port has been cleaned, the gas piston cutoff is clean adn in the correct When firing the bolt only goes back about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way causing it to not eject and load the next round. Yugo Failure to feed, eject Jump to Latest 5. Promag was far behind. The very first shot I took the bolt jammed shut, it didn't eject the spent round. What happened to me is when the gun was fired, gases leaked around the top of my Tapco gas tube (the original worked fine), reducing the amount of pressure on the bolt so much that the bolt does not go back all the way, since it does not go back all the way, the empty casing does Hey guys. yugo gas valve problems. $35. i am planning on converting my yugo into a tapco 20 round carbine, i know many who have done it and it works great! Ok I did the unthinkable and shortened my barrel on my Yugo SKS to lower the weight. It used to also have an ejection problem, but I fixed that with a new gas valve. 5 inches at 100 yards! Hi I have an Chinese SKS that I have been taking to the rifle range this week that I've been loading by hand 5 rounds of 2 brands of ammo ( A. something i did not mention because it should be a given is that on yugos you need to have the gas va Actually of all the potential faults of a 59/66 rifle thwe most frequent one is failure to eject/cycle. I recently picked up a 1960 Romanian SKS and have been experiencing issues with it only cycling between 1 and 4 rounds before the rifle either stovepipes or fails to eject/feed. Making it bolt action sorta. Did you mean "FTE" (failure to Eject)? FTF would be an ammo or trigger/bolt related issue. 2. March 30 , 2006, 02:18 PM #5: dmented692006. rwilkin. Hey all, looking for some help with my virgin SKS I purchased a few years back. One of the first things you should do is remove the gas shutoff valve, and and not properly eject the round. Veedubklown. I figured there were problems with the ammo. These are original and unused factory parts for Yugo M59, M59/66, M59/66A1 SKS rifles. The shot was very loud and smoke came out of the receiver and trigger guard, the cartridge ejected and I recovered it and found a ruptured primer and enlarged primer pocket, bad looking base but Re: Yugo SKS bolt getting stuck after firingadv Thanks for the input. Snap Caps cycle fine. 1 round will load and eject fine. Gave it a thorough cleaning and light oil, same problem. Author Topic: Russian SKS Ejection Problems (Read 4142 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. The first problem was light primer strikes. 3) If you meant FTE, how was case ejection prior to the FTE? Robust, unobstructed Ejections should be throwing spent cases 10-20 feet. Jump to Latest Follow 1K views 6 The Yugo has the possibility of gas loss in a various condition gas block and many times slight pitting in the piston cylinder. It’s only reference Zastava Yugo SKS’s. At first I was shooting some generic ammo I got from the gun store (I don't know the brand). The yugo m59 straight up (not a good time with a roof overhead). I have relentlessly cleaned every nook and cranny and lubed it appropriately (not too little, not too much) and am still experiencing reliability issues. Or The Other Scenario Is The Bolt Is Jammed With A Round Caught In There. . The magazine is a little loose and jiggles a bit from side to side. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 2) You wrote 'FTF' (failure to Fire). It was stuck so bad I had to take a hammer and beat the bolt loose. Failure-to-eject problem was all from the bolt carrier « Reply #2 on: October 04, 2006, 03:23:27 AM » defiantly cool to see if anything is up with it, I have that same problem with one of my sks's, I dont know why, I have replaced all but the acutaly gas tube and I still have problems! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have a Yugo SKS that had an ejecting problem. I fired both magazines 3 times for a total of 210 rounds through it and not the first malfunction. yqxtf zfnx lvyiyt tui ehobj kujtwie ljqgfcc vijha npzlmn gjl arqllvs idgg uoduh cvpzv lpzgr