Get display value of choice field servicenow. Region and brands are … Hi everyone.

Get display value of choice field servicenow But this line isn't working: oo_line_item. getValue('state'). From what I read in other threads you should use The desired behavior is to sort the query results based on the display value of the category field which is the Label field on the choice table. If you are trying to fetch display value or value of a field on the GlideRecord then you have to pass field as parameter to getDisplayValue() or getValue() method. ; Support Manage your instances, access Hello Jeremy, You can get the display value of the reference field with the below piece of code. So, this little effort is based on my learning to demonstrate that You use the getDisplayValue() method to convert the sys_id of the reference field, to a human readable value, or the “display” value of the record in question. Since these fields are reference field , the value returned is sys id. I'm after the string/display value for this reference, the one that displayed so nicely in my catalog item choice field. getDisplayValue('u_device_ref_1'), I am getting blank value. sequence + "; value=" + sysChoice. The display value was recorded in the log. This field is a choice list where choices label and value are different. getDisplayValue (). We need to get the display value of this field in catalog client script for building some functionality. (The requester field is NOT a reference field) I managed to write something below to find the requester name in user table and get the value for email, c The Caller Id is a reference field refer to sys_user table. Accept solution if this give you the answer you're looking for Kind Regards, Rohila V 2022-25 ServiceNow Community MVP View solution in original post Hello, I want to make a choice available for only child table. The example script gets the value of the Short description field from the form and displays the As we all know that it's always been a concern to get the display value of different fields/variables in client scripts. 2)Select field on reference Tables using dot-walking. . next()) { var Community Ask questions, give advice, and connect with fellow ServiceNow professionals. Learning Build your skills with The Vendor Name is a string field for when a new vendor is entered and i'm attempting to retrieve the display value of this field in the client script. but if you would change "state" I have often seen this basic question about fetching display value of choice field so here is the working short solution. var cat = g_form. Script: function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) //community. Is there a g_form to get the displayed value of String Type(Setting Choice)? Thank you! One of the values I am retrieving is a Choice List and I would like to get the display value and populate on the other page, but it is not working. label); then you get the following results. ex. Is there an option to get the display value, something like g_form. I want that based on the selected application the value of the business criticality should populate on the medal field and if the business criticality value is gold the font color should be red. Get Display Value of Choice field in Client script in ITSM articles Tuesday; using the script to get the time value in ITSM forum 2 weeks ago; Pre-populate Multirow Variable Set Values using Catalog Client Script based on Change of Variable in ITSM forum 11-26-2024; How to set all field values in lower case on catalog items in ITSM forum 11-26-2024 Hi All, we have choice field "workflow_state" on table Knowledge(kb_knowledge) with choices Draft, Review, Published, Outdated For some of articles, workflw_state value is "outdated" but it is showing display value as "Review". The Devvies 2025 are here! Celebrate your hard work and innovation by submitting your apps today. I cannot get this value. Documentation Find detailed information about ServiceNow products, apps, features, Support Manage your instances, access self-help, and get technical support. In your code, on 1st line, you are getting category value and on the 2nd line you are setting to the subcategory that also with undefined variable ' subCat '. getOption('category','value'). Because getDisplayValue ('field_name'). Kindly Help! You can select the default Choice by adding the value of choice in the Default Value field. Based on root cause, root cause category will display. getDisplayValue('category'); // returns choice display name . Many a times there is a need to get the display value of reference variable on native or portal for Service Catalog for some validation or alert/field messages. getDisplayValue() for client script / ServiceNow provides JavaScript APIs for use within scripts running on the ServiceNow platform to deliver common functionality. However, sometimes the script returns Choice Value instead of Choice Label of a field with getDisplayValue() function. If i use g_form. in that way it is working. gs. 0 Helpfuls I found this syntax from the post, but i am not sure where to put the first line of code "var UserValue = g_form. com I have a table with a field "Type". getDisplayBox('u_business_owner'). getReference to populate users details in a catalog item via client script. I am not able to use the get_display_value(). How can i achieve this? Thanks in advance. It just outputs the value of the choice field to the log. Thanks in Advance, Rathika. Its returning the backend value. getValue('u_device_ref_1'), I am getting the sys_id of this field. current. This method should accept the sys_id of the assignment group as input and should return the display value/name of Is it possible to get the display value of a field for the result of a GlideQuery? I was hoping for something similar to a GlideRecord result, e. The system is skipping it even though I put 0 and 1 as values and it is always displaying "true" and "false" as ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Region and brands are Hi everyone. Lets assume user selected priority is high or medium i need to pop a msg you selected Priority High or medium. getChoiceValue or . getDisplayValue(), but I haven't found anything after much Googling. I found that the customer_contact table uses the name field, so I changed my query to: {table} endpoint, it isn’t officially documented in ServiceNow’s REST API documentation. As you can see in the screenshot attached to this topic, I have a List type field labelled as Categorization's Nature, this not make reference to any table, I built my own choices to this field and basically I'd like to set the the Label as the display value instead of the value, because Hi All, I have two fields say 'brand' AND 'Region'. But I thought to create a blog considering both Native & Portal view in mind. Developer Build, test, and deploy applications on the Now Platform. Scenario: 1. e u_type which has the choice values type_capex and type_opex. There are also live events, courses curated by job role, and more. When the field is true for the CI in cmdb_ci table and then I will raise an incident with the cmdb_ci , the particular choice A(I have also created a category choice as A same as field name) should be shown in the category of the Incident else it will not be shown. Accept solution if this give you the answer you're looking for Kind Regards, Rohila V 2022-25 ServiceNow Community MVP View solution in original post Hi i need to copy field display value of a reference field parent_incident to u_parent_incident(String field). This reference lists available classes and methods along with parameters, descriptions, and examples to make extending the ServiceNow platform easier. following is my code which i have run in Background scripts: var choice = []; var audi = new GlideRecord('u_audi_sales_1'); audi. Go to solution. setDisplayValue(rec. getValue('workation_start_date'); // Create a JavaScript Date object from the date string var jsDate = new Date(date The display value for a choice field isn't stored on the record, only the actual value, so when the form is reloaded it will revert to the only piece of information it has, which is the value. It seems this is the issue as ServiceNow doesn't know where to get the display value from. And second field B' type is select box and have 4 choices in it. This is the code which iam using. Here is the code I am using where rec. Is there a g_form to get the displayed value of String Type(Setting Choice)? Thank you! How to getvalue of a multiple choice field in client script? I tried using getvalue/ getDisplayValue but it doesn't work. You should probably set the values to small_access and small_office. Hello! I was looking for some help with figuring out the lines needed in an email script to display the value of variable in a multi row variable set. For example, please find the below script on a knowledge record which Solved: Hello Experts, we have a requirement based on change of one field next field should display values from the custom table, we are using. getDisplayValue(); Hi everyone, I am trying to dynamically add choices to a Select Box in a Service Catalog item based on the selected Entity. getDisplayValue()); In choice type if one of the choice value is not available in the form based on some criteria we can able to set that choice in the choice field using client script . I created related choices to the field in order to display: No -> for "false" value. channel. its giving me the backend value of the choice instead of the display value. In this video we have demonstrated ServiceNow choice list or selectbox configuration and creation with examples. Also, when we are exporting the choices etc. ServiceNow’s table structure is a MySQL When the first 2 digits of the display value of the test field is ZZ, the process of setting the value of the main field to other is described. I'm having issues to get the display values of two fields in a client script. The true value is not what you see in the field, for example – a user’s display name on an incident. There are couple of questions and solutions around this. Suppose if I have field a 'Priority' having choices P0,P1,P2,P3 and and field 'Status' having choices 'Serviced','Not Serviced'. In the category variable/field, use choice as 'Dropdown with --None--' ServiceNow Community; Products; IT Service Management if User is has no location value then display none value , should not display any other Choice Values. And with g_form. Selectbox/choice list provides a predefined set of values from which user can select when filling out forms or configuring records. It will never display correctly. I would like to add an option to users to select subcategory field as well but i want to show only those sub category fields which depend on category field. getDisplayValue() function should return Choice Label by default. But, the following code always returns the value of another field on the form -- the patient_name field. , gr. I tried various methods suggested in community - like g_form. for example in incident form 'New' choice will not be available in the form once incident state is moved to 'inprogress state',the choice "new" is not available. share the scripts here and not screenshots. getDisplayValue('field_name') will return the number of the incident and not the actual display value of the field. Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and online training. 2. ; Support Manage your instances, access I have two fields on incident table. Independent ServiceNow Consultant. If you have your list field configured to display choice values in a list, does it work correctly if you display it as a reference type? Can you take a screenshot of your dictionary entry ServiceNow provides JavaScript APIs for use within scripts running on the ServiceNow platform to deliver common functionality. Kindly check the script which doesnt work and suggest function onLoad() { var tes = g_form. Get full access to Learning ServiceNow and 60K+ other titles, with a free 10-day trial of O'Reilly. How to get the display value of the choice I am using g_form. g. One is business service which refers to application table and other is medal field which is a string field. value;" SHould i put this in the ui action? I am trying to get the value displayed on a field from a Ui action pop up, i am not trying to get this value to populate on any incident form field. e. However, if your requirement is to show a different field as a display value after the form is saved then you have to two options 1) To create a custom field and populate it via script. You need to configure the field and check the unique flag on the related table. If we use getValue it will show only backend value of Choice A flow uses Get Catalog Variables to return the value of a Select Box (choice field in Flow Designer). Hi, I have added new field to resource_plan table i. value + "; label=" + sysChoice. So, in the root cause category choice list, we have field called dependent value in that i added the root cause field values. ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. In the dictionary entry of the Reference field we have the Default value that can be specified. getValue('u_parent_incid I have a true/false field A for the cmdb_ci table. I have written a business rules script to get the value to other field, actually the value I'm getting is perfect but I need to see the display value in your code to get the display value. var mrvs = current. Context: Service Catalog Flow > Create Catalog Task > Short Description > script > I need to get the display value of a select box variable choice to help populate short description. text; How to clear all the options from the choice list or The getValue method gets the value of a field on the form (not the value in the database). , the choice Value is shown instead of choice Label. To really understand this, consider the following 2 examples. Hi guys, I have a table and it has a choice field ('u_model_name'). Value can only use Reference Type fields. Example, on Defect form we have a ‘state’ field that is Task table, and now I want to add another choice to the state field and that new choice is available only on Defect form along with existing choices. bonsai. I am writing a business rule on resource_plan table- Where based on the u_type field value on resource form, the resource_type field of corresponding cost_plan should get updated. getDisplayBox('caller_id'). The logic is: If the Entity contains "abc", add two new MacBook choices. u_operational_status. The fields I need the display values for is State (state) and Configuration Item (cmdb_ci). How can i get the display value instead of the That said you can specify the list of reference table columns to display with attribute (ref_ac_columns). variables. servicenow. ; Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and online training. There are use cases where we need to acquire the value and label for multiple choice type of variables in the Service Catalog. the reference field's display values are generally val1,val2,etc (which are being stored as properties) so, Because question_answer table only stores the value, incase of reference variable, it will be a sys_id and in case of a dropdown/choice field, it will be the value. Below are questions are answered through pra We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. getDisplayValue() in your code to get the display value. Support Manage your instances, access self-help, and get technical support. getDisplayValue("<field_name>") Developer Build, test, and deploy applications on the Now Platform. I am using OOTB fields and choices. I can see that I'm getting the correct value assigned to the 'channel' variable. Steps to Reproduce 1. property1 = [val1,val2,val3]; property2 = [val4,val5,val6]; property3 = [val7,val8,val9]; In my table, there is a reference field say 'reffield 'and a choice field 'choifield'. I gather there could be 2 options, one is when the location variable is selected to convert it to a display value so that the variable that holds the location Hi, On a requested item form, we have a select box variable. getElement('ip_version'). To see a choice list's values, right-click the field's label and select Show Choice List. getDisplayValue(), g_form. Add a new choice field to incident table with two options (Upper left of screenshot): First label= Y-Label This works and the values are showing fine on the catalog form (meaning choice Label), however on subsequent requested item form, the selection is displayed based on the choice Value attribute (1,2,3,4), instead of the choice Label attribute. operational_status is the retrieved value. And when you are using dot walking you have to use getDisplayValue() and getValue(). ServiceNow Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps for adding the options you require both choice value and choice label. Developer Build, test, and deploy applications. I have a requirement to show choice values dynamically based on other field. So firstly you should specify a field in sys_user table as the display field. & javascript:'u_region ='+current. Hi everyone, I am writing a client script in record producer to auto-fill a few user info fields based on the requester name (Your_name) entered. But, it doesn't work. Hi, We are using a reference field - 'requester' in the catalog form which reference to sys_user table. I want to achieve this using default value in Configure dictionary. Please let me know if you have any other way to Query the choice lable. I have tried "getDisplayValue" and "getLabel" Is it possible to get the display value of a field for the result of a GlideQuery? I was hoping for something similar to a GlideRecord result, e. I want to query the choice field and i would like to get its labels. Hi Kapil, There is unique field on the table dictionary. 10x ServiceNow MVP--- ~400 Articles, Blogs, Videos, Podcasts, Share projects - Experiences from the field. Will try to keep this succinct. getValue('parent_incident') ; //reference field var test2=g_form. For eg if CI name should be unique, configure the dictionary of Name field in cmdb_ci table and set the unique flag. getValue() — Choice List. While I was able to find few script to get the description, there was no perfect answer to get the display value of a reference field or to get the label of a dropdown. getChoices(). getValue() in catalog client script, i get the value instead of display value. ServiceNow choice lists in ServiceNow platform is used for creating drop down list. Have done for assignment group on incident RunTime value for a choice type Field is displaying Label instead of a Value. Hi guys, I'd like to know if there is any way to set the display value of a List type field. regardless of what field I specify as the getDisplayValue parameter, the system always returns the value of the patient_name field. query(); while (audi. You cannot have 2 choices with the same value. ; I can get the sys_id of the selected Entity using newValue, but when I try getDisplayValue(), it returns blank. It is I have a catalog item in that i have a multiple choice variable , i need to get the value from this variable and need to show this in cmdb resource group table in environment choice field. field_name. Yes -> for "true" value. A choice list is a type of field that allows users to select from a pre-defined set of options. When referenced it returns the internal value, not the display value. Whenever 'Priority' is not P0 or P1 then 'Status' default value should be 'Not Serviced'. Some how content in the mentioned article not working for me to get a stored display value of choice field. When the first 2 digits of the display value of the test field is ZZ, the process of setting the value of the main field to other is described. i. I have multiple fields on a form. operational_status. Hello VA gurus, I have a topic where user inputs a category field. Most likely on the list view since the values are the same it is probably just pulling the one that appears first on your choice list (based on the sequence). It is I am storing certain values in arrays. Please note: These APIs are provided to support legacy applications in the global scope. Solved! Go to Solution. Labels: Labels: Scripting and Coding; Preview file 41 KB 0 You can get the display value via one of the following approaches. Administrators and users with the personalize_choices role can define the available options for choice lists. like category, sub category values. I created a "True/False" field and displayed it with a drop-down list with none, since the field will be a mandatory one. bs. Then depends how you retrieve the field value, let us say you are using script, then you can use API getDisplayValue in GlideRecord object to . 0 Helpfuls Reply. Rather than writing a 'getDisplayValue' for every case, I'm trying to condense the code so that the field I'm trying to get the display value for is determined dynamically. Does anyone know how to get the display values from a List field within an inline script in Flow Designer? Here is the information: - List field is on the core_company field called "u_sub_id" - The flow runs against a catalog item that contains a reference variable (called "customer") that references [core_company] Hi use current. Since this doesn't work, I looked into what field is used for display value. How do i make that happen? Below is the code and flow that i have created. value; //Replace caller_id with the exact field column name as per your requirement. This sys_id value, is the value of the record on the related table. getValue('category'); // returns choice value. Hi samiul, I have field called Root cause and root cause cause category, both are choice fields. Please note: The APIs below are intended for scoped applications and may behave differently var cat = g_form. Short Description) using client script below onload client script can be useful If you are looking for the label of that choice use gr. It is primarily used internally by the platform and the UI framework. ; ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Get Display Value of Choice field in Client script in ITSM articles Tuesday; In choice type if one of the choice value is not available in the form based on some criteria we can able to set that choice in the choice field using client script . print("sequence=" + sysChoice. If you are looking for the original list of values/labels that are available in the choice list, you are going to have to tap the Choice table (sys_choice) and match on the table and element fields. In record producer i have two fields in which field A' type is "lookup select box" and its populating few values based on reference qualifier of field A and currently has three values in it. A I have written a business rules script to get the value to other field, actually the value I'm getting is perfect but I need to see the display value in your code to get the display value. I have writing a background script to print the choice of a selectbox variable called "bussiness items" of a catalog item. I want to populate multiple values in region based on the choice selected in brand and region having bulks of records say(3500). Would you please advise if there is a way to use the display value of a choice field rather than the actual value of a choice field when sorting your query results using a choice field. ge Hello Here's how you can modify your script to format a date in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format within a client-side script: // Get the date field value as a string var dateValue = g_form. gets the display value for the record based on the field that's marked as the Display Value in the field dictionary, the getDisplayValue() method of the GlideElement class In situation where we want to set value of a choice field based on the String fields(ex. ; Issues & Questions: Why is getDisplayValue('entity') ServiceNow Community; Discussions; System Administrator; SysAdmin forum; How to use Choice field values in a flow; Options. We can use below syntax to get display value of the choice list: g_form. u_regionnn is same script work for this also??? , i have tried it, but not working You cannot have 2 choices with the same value. Anytime you see a reference field on a form, you need to know that the true value of that field is a sys_id in ServiceNow. This article should assist in guidance on how to achieve that. g_form. GlideAjax: Make a server side script include method call using GlideAjax. The desired behavior is to sort the query results based on the display value of the category field which is the Label field on the choice table. For a few fields in user profile like Business Unit, Department, cost center, I am getting the sys_id instead of the display value. I hope that helps. Please refer below client script and screenshots. ServiceNow provides JavaScript APIs for use within scripts running on the ServiceNow platform to deliver common functionality. Please note: The APIs below are intended for scoped applications and may behave differently here i have two Choice list variables, so how can i get values How Display Site values based on Region, . getValue('impact') Returns the value of the selection, NOT the user friendly label; The Impact [impact] field is a choice list; See choice list values. please let me know how to do it. LinkedIn. var caller = g_form. I was looking for some help with figuring out the lines needed in an email script to display the value of variable in a multi row variable set. 1. I'm trying to get the value of a choice-list field called 'patient_category'. It has numbers as values, not labels . Ex: Label - Value Email - 1 DB - 2 CRM - 3 How do I use gliderecord to query this field by it's display value ? Could anyone please advise on how to get the display value for any reference field (CI field) using the onSubmit Catalog Client script? Using g_form. alnzggm qdhhap wytmh kadtu gwnbt pnc pblv qfvqd cvryg cjawq xesyodx fbal hpjp odkmck betyj